Small Biz Success Tips – Since 2012

Life Coach Marketing Plan PDF

life coach marketing planIf you are a life coach looking to get more clients, my Life Coach Marketing Plan PDF is really all you need!

My 12-Month Life Coach Marketing Plan gives you hundred of tactics to do each month focusing on advertising, publicity, content marketing, social media, promotions, email marketing and so much more.

There are over 300 creative tactics in all. Here are just a few example tactics from the January page.

Life Coach Marketing Plan Tactic: Publicity

Email a story idea pitch to lifestyle blogs like PureWow, or other lifestyle blogs on my contact list, early in the month for “How to Stay Motivated in the Winter Months, according to a Life Coach”.

Life Coach Marketing Plan Tactic: Advertising

Consider listing your business with Trusted Coach Directory.

Life Coach Marketing Plan Tactic: Social Media

Post a 30-day #MentalHealthChallenge on January 1st for the entire month, challenging followers to do something positive for themselves or someone else every day for #MentalWellnessMonth (January).

Life Coach Marketing Plan Tactic: Social Media

Post a carousel or reel of your tips for “How to Have Your Best Year Yet” for #NationalMentoringMonth in January.

Life Coach Marketing Plan Tactic: Email

Email a monthly newsletter to customers featuring tips for getting through January, especially a dry January challenge, along with any new services or products.

Life Coach Marketing Plan Tactic: Content Marketing

Write a short article on “Is a Life Coach Worth It?” and include a byline with your name and business website url and submit it to Buzzfeed.

life coach marketing plan pdfLife Coach Marketing Plan Tactic: Sales & Promotions

Consider offing a special coaching session or workshop just for January called, “How to Get the New Year Off to a Great Start”.

Start marketing your life coach business! Download the plan today!

GB OliverIf you are a small business and you need more marketing advice, be sure to see my products and services. Be sure to also read: 101 Promotional Ideas for Your Small Business. 

© 2022 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Life Coach Marketing Plan PDF.

1 Comment

  1. Attention Getting Marketing


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