Attention Getting

Small Business Marketing Strategist

15 Best Small Business Ideas for 2025

It’s time for my best small business ideas 2025 edition. Since 2012, I’ve helped thousands of people start and market their own business, and I can help you too!

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Best Small Business Ideas 2025

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15 of My Best Small Business Ideas for 2025

1. Vintage Fashion Accessories – In 2024, searches for vintage designer/luxury thrifting reached an all-time high, especially for luxury vintage watches, designer shoes, and purses. So scour estate sales and grandma’s closet and start selling online, using vintage sales apps such as Vinted.

2. Health Coach – First it was Life Coach, then it was Wellness Coach, and now Health Coach is the top search. A health coach helps people make lifestyle changes to improve their physical and emotional health. For this consulting role, it would be beneficial to be board certified, so it is ideal for someone already in the healthcare field as a possible side hustle, with hourly rates at $50 to $200.

3. Remote Work Recruiter – COVID changed people’s perspective about working, and many found out that they really did like to work from home. Remote and hybrid jobs are the top searches on Indeed, therefore, a recruiting consultant who specializes in finding remote jobs or even creating a website focusing on such, is a very good business small business ideas 2025

4. Solo / Singles Vacation Planner – “Solo cruises”, “solo camping trips” and “solo hiking trips” are at all-time Google search highs, as people seem to be looking for new ways to meet people outside of the dating apps. If you are already a travel agent, this is a great side hustle. If not, try a website that focuses on this niche.

5. Micro Wedding Planner – Searches for “micro wedding” soared this year.  This is a wedding with 30 guests, likely a result of people wanting to spend less money, but still have it be an elegant affair. A great opportunity for a wedding or event planner, especially if you can find more ways for the couple to save.

6. Burnout Coaching & Toxic Corporate Change Coaching – Again, these two topics were huge Google searches in 2024, so if you have any HR experience, you could market your services in these areas to both companies and individuals.

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Best Small Business Ideas 2025

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7. Pop Up Coordinator – You’ve heard of retail pop ups and Christmas pop ups, and now restaurant pop ups are the hot trend of 2024. With the pop up market still going strong, there is likely a need for a local business that can match up budding entrepreneurs with the proper pop up space, as well as with suppliers that can handle their temporary business supply needs.

8. AI Trainer – AI technology is moving fast into every aspect of life, and it can be intimidating to certain older segments of the workforce. Therefore, “AI Training for Employees” is one avenue to approach. Another one would be “AI Training for Executives” that would teach them how to use AI to cut costs and improve efficiencies.

9. Sauna Installer / Vendor –Demand for outdoor saunas has skyrocketed over 400% since 2019, due to an influx of articles with proven facts about the health benefits. Whether you want to sell them and/or install them, it is a viable industry, particularly popular in the colder places in the country.

10. Power Washing / Pressure Washing Services – One of the most in-demand services on the handyman website, Angi, is for power washing external surfaces such as sidewalks, driveways, decks, siding, and so forth. People are charging $60 to $150 to power wash a driveway, depending on the size.

11. Stick Shift / Manual Driving Lessons – This is not the same as teaching someone to drive. The people searching for this service already know how to drive an automatic car and have their license, but now they want to learn to drive stick.

Shop my business downloads at my Etsy store and my business & marketing services at my Shopify store.

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12. Typing Lessons for Kids – Parents are frustrated at how their children two finger type, and typing lessons are no longer on the school curriculum. Believe it or not, this was a breakout Google search this year, so there is obviously a need.

13. PS5 Repair – This was one of the top repair searches this year, as people will happily hire someone to fix their broken Playstation 5 then paid hundreds of dollars for a new one. Might be a great side hustle for one of your technically advanced kids.

14. Self Service Dog Wash – I always love looking at the top “near me” searches on Google, and “Self Service Dog Wash Near Me” was in the top three this year.  You would not need a big facility, you could probably even do it as a mobile business, but not everyone has a way to wash their dog at home, especially a big dog.

15. Home Laundry Service – If you love to do laundry (you are likely alone), but many people hate it so much, searches for “someone to do my laundry” are at an all-time high, even requests for “can I hire someone to just fold and put away laundry?” You could offer it as a pick up and drop off service, and you would be able to write off your laundry room and appliances.

Shop my business downloads at my Etsy store and my business & marketing services at my Shopify store.

If there is another type of business or marketing service you need, feel free to ask me at

About Me

I have been helping small business owners, professionals, and entrepreneurs online since 2012. My advice has been featured in the New York Times, Success Magazine, Shopify Blog, Medium, and SheKnows, and was named one of the “Top 10 Small Business Blogs to Follow ″ by American Express.




© 2024 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Best Small Business Ideas for 2025

Why You Need a Personal Brand

why you need a personal brandBack in the day when I was working in marketing for a large technology firm, our CFO wanted me to write a bio for her, that she could submit for one of those “Top 40 Under 40” local business awards (she got it).

These days, there are many advantages and opportunities to presenting yourself as a polished, professional, personal brand.


  • A professional headshot
  • A killer resume
  • An engaging LinkedIn profile summary
  • An informative bio (always needed when working with media and events)
  • A brief but impactful social media bio (a shorter version of the above).

Whether you’re a lawyer, doctor, sales executive, upper management, realtor, travel agent, influencer, entrepreneur, or business owner, you want to make sure that your personal brand is consistent, compelling, and truly showcases you in a way that will impress.


  • Apply for higher level positions
  • Apply to be on boards
  • Apply to join professional organizations
  • Submit yourself for consideration for awards
  • Submit yourself for consideration for speaking engagements
  • Submit yourself for consideration for publicity opportunities
  • Attract new customers, clients, business alliances, partners, fans, and followers
  • Bolster your credibility and trustworthiness
  • Stand out from the competition
  • Grow your business or career
  • Prevent “imposters”


As a professional marketer and writer, I am offering a new Professional Branding Package, which consists of:

  • Resume overhaul (3 pages max)
  • LinkedIn profile summary (200-300 words)
  • Professional bio  (100-150 words)
  • Instagram/Facebook bio (20-30 words)

Please email me at if you would like to see samples of my work. If you wish to order, just visit my Shopify store.

Embrace your personal brand and all the professional and financial opportunities it can bring you!

The Latest Google Trends Provide a Lot of Business Inspiration

I follow Google search trends regularly, so I pulled out several that to me, might give a small business a new idea for a product or service. Here are some interesting breakout searches I found in the last month:


  • Barn Jackets
  • Denim Vests
  • “Everyone Watches Women’s Sports” Sweatshirts
  • Old Money School Outfit Aesthetic
  • Decora Aesthetic Clothes
  • Earthquake Kits
  • Slime Subscription Box
  • Dorm Room Bedside Caddy
  • Sage Green Home Décor
  • Rice Face Masks
  • Japanese Nail Art


  • Adventure Travel Tourism
  • Halloween Interior Design
  • Star Gazing Party Locations (for watching Meteor Showers)
  • Warrior Hair Cut
  • House Sitting Services
  • Dorm Room Insurance
  • Sunroom Installation Service

Hope there’s an idea here for you.

Which Social Media Sites Are Right for Your Target Market

Google released new stats that might surprise you. Below are the most searched social media sites, by generation:

  • Gen Alpha (ages 0 to 11): Instagram
  • Gen Z (ages 12 to 27) : Pinterest
  • Millennials (ages 28 to 43): X / Twitter
  • Gen X (ages 44 to 59): X / Twitter
  • Baby Boomer (ages 60+):  X / Twitter

Therefore, make sure your business is on the social media site your target market is using the most.


Skyrocket Your Website Traffic with This Back to School Idea

back to school promotional ideasDid you know that “School Supplies Giveaway Near Me” is a top Google search every August? No matter what your business – be it a realtor, online store, travel agent, etc. – if you were to do a school supplies giveaway to your local community, for a roughly $100 investment, you can get thousands of local customers checking out your business. Plus, if you ask for their email address on the entry form, you substantially increase your email list.

How to Promote the Giveaway

  • Post the giveaway on your website or blog and optimize it for the search “School Supplies Giveaway” (the “near me” portion is assumed by Google based on where you are and where the searches are coming from).
  • Post the giveaway on Instagram, Facebook, and X. (Read: My Instagram Giveaway Tips)
  • Email the giveaway announcement out to local customers.
  • Email the giveaway announcement out to local schools and they might relay it on their social media sites.
  • Send an email to your local newspaper letting them know about the giveaway and they will likely promote it for free.
  • Send an email to any local mom bloggers or influencers letting them know about the giveaway and they will likely promote it for free.
  • If you have an office or store front, display the giveaway right in the window.

If you need more creative and affordable ways to promote your small business, try one of my Personal Phone Consultations or check out my 12-Month Marketing Plans.




©2024 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

My Killer Promotional Idea for June

Have you ever been in a restaurant and saw a fish bowl indicating that you simply drop your business card in to be eligible to win a free lunch?

Why not approach your local retailers with this novel idea to promote your own business?

For example, let’s say you offer a dog washing service. Ask your local pet shop if you can put a fishbowl on the counter for people to be eligible to win a free dog wash by simply dropping in their business card (or they could fill out a ballot).

It doesn’t cost the pet shop anything, and both they and you now can also beef up your email lists with all of these new contacts.  It also serves as free advertising for your biz.

Alternatively, you can also ask businesses to do the same arrangement if they are exhibiting at a trade show  or selling at a farmer’s market. Again, they still get the new customer contacts (as do you) but you’re the one giving away the prize so it doesn’t cost them a thing.

Give it a try!

©2024 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.


Try This Easy Marketing Idea to Connect with Customers

etsy trend reportIf you need an easy way to connect with your current customers – or an innovative lead magnet to attract new customers – a “Trends Report” is always a great marketing idea. Plus, it can help establish you as an expert in your industry.

I have created four Canva Trend Report templates for various markets – Real Estate Agents, Jewelry Store Owners, Travel Agents and Interior Designers – but you can customize them for any type of business, as well as upload your own photos and trends (I just used these as place holders) along with adding your own colors, branding and contact information.

For example:

  • a candle business could quarterly release their scent trends
  • a restaurant could release current food trends
  • a retail store could release their top trending products
  • a t-shirt store could release their top design trends
  • a life coach could release the current wellness trends

They’re ideal to use for:

  • Email marketing
  • Newsletters
  • Blog posts
  • Social media posts
  • Handouts at trade shows and other in-person selling events
  • Inserts in customer packages

Best of all, they are a quick and easy way to get attention!

etsy trend reports





©2024 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

Super Easy Email Marketing Idea!

Want an excuse to email your customers, but they are likely tired of just getting your sales emails?

Well, in case you haven’t heard, there is a solar eclipse happening on Monday and people have a lot of questions as it’s trending like crazy on Google.

Therefore, email your customers reminding them of the date of the eclipse (Monday April 8th) and the best time to see it, based on where you live.

You might also want to give a few tips on how to best look at it, and even answer the most trending question, “Can you drive during an eclipse” (yes, you can).

You can also let them know when the next solar eclipse will be, which for North America will be August 23, 2044.

Keep it short and sweet and always end with your business information, including links to your website and social media pages. Your email subject line should also be something like: 🌓 What to Know about Monday’s Solar Eclipse…

It’s also a great posting idea for your social media sites as well!




©2024 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. 

What to Sell on Etsy

What to sell on etsy

Click to download What to Sell on Etsy

I always love these so-called experts who try to tell you they have the magic secret to big sales on Etsy. There is no magic secret as it really does begin with what you sell.

For example, if you’re selling a cheaply made product, that is priced way above what it is worth, and no one has a need for it, then no magic secret is going to sell it.

Therefore, what you can start with is finding products that currently have a high demand but low supply. This is a good way to find success on Etsy.

The first thing I do in my research is identify products that are highly searched, or are part of a breakout or rising search, and then compare to the number of listings for that product on Etsy.

I just updated my What to Sell on Etsy ebook, and here are a few lucrative ideas from the ebook if you are looking for something new to sell:

  • Did you know that people search 12,000 times a month on Google for a mahogany teak scented candle, yet there are only 800 listings on Etsy?
  • Have you heard of shower steamers? They are a lot like bath bombs but for the shower. They are searched over 60,000 times a month on Google, yet there are only 3,400 listings on Etsy.
  • Do you sell engagement rings? Did you know there are over 60,000 searches every month on Google for oblong engagement rings, yet only 100 listings on Etsy? I don’t even know what that is, but if you have a ring that suits the description, at least take advantage of the SEO opportunity (maybe this is how men search?).

So if you’re still looking for that big seller on Etsy, take a look at the latest version of my What to Sell on Etsy ebook.


©2024 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. What to sell on Etsy. 

Two Marketplaces for Artisans

Looking for new places to sell online? I have two.

You may or may not know that craft retailer Michaels now has an online marketplace called, MakerPlace, where small businesses can sell everything from jewelry and purses to pet products and furniture.

But another interesting thing Michaels is doing, is offering in-store appearances for artisans to sell their products directly to shoppers, with no commissions on sales. The appearances also allow the sellers to interact face-to-face with customers, get feedback, and take orders for custom items.

The other online marketplace you might not know about is 1800Flowers Marketplace. They have been offering this marketplace for a while now, and any product that would fit in the “gift” category can be sold here. They seem to particularly like food products, garden decor, baby items and bath & body. But keep in mind their commission rate is high, at 25%.

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