best trending hashtags instagramWant to know the best trending hashtags Instagram or on Tiktok? Well it depends on the day. But it is a great opportunity for your small business to get seen.

In fact, a really great hashtag strategy for you to jump to the front is by starting your own trending hashtag based on anything that is going on in the world, in pop culture, top searches and more.

How to Find Potentially Trending Hashtags

Start by taking a look at the day’s news:

  • Is there a new #royalbaby born
  • Has a certain celebrity done something special i.e. #britneyswedding
  • Is it the anniversary of something historic i.e. #dday77thanniversary
  • Is it a fun national day i.e. #happynationaldogday

How about is there a question someone wants answered? Questions are particularly popular hashtags on Tiktok as people like to search for “how to” videos:

  • How to make banana bread? #howtomakebananabread #bananabreadhack #bestbananabread
  • Why is a tomato a fruit? #tomatofruitorvegetable
  • Where can I get free stuff on my birthday? #freestuff #mybirthday #birthdaydeals
Other Ways to Find Trending Hashtags

Another awesome way to find trending hashtags is to set up an account with Google Trends.

Every day you will get an email whereby Google Trends will tell you yesterday’s hot searched topics. Likely, these searches stick around for a few days, maybe even weeks, so you can quickly turn into a hashtag that might start trending or already is.

They might be bizarre, but they are what people are looking for. Some examples of popular Google searches:

  • Golf hats for big heads #golfhats #largegolfhats #oversizedgolfhats
  • Easy undo for medium length hair #easyupdos #promhair #hairstylesprom
  • Run rule in college baseball #runrule #collegebaseballrules
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