Have you ever been in a restaurant and saw a fish bowl indicating that you simply drop your business card in to be eligible to win a free lunch?

Why not approach your local retailers with this novel idea to promote your own business?

For example, let’s say you offer a dog washing service. Ask your local pet shop if you can put a fishbowl on the counter for people to be eligible to win a free dog wash by simply dropping in their business card (or they could fill out a ballot).

It doesn’t cost the pet shop anything, and both they and you now can also beef up your email lists with all of these new contacts.  It also serves as free advertising for your biz.

Alternatively, you can also ask businesses to do the same arrangement if they are exhibiting at a trade show  or selling at a farmer’s market. Again, they still get the new customer contacts (as do you) but you’re the one giving away the prize so it doesn’t cost them a thing.

Give it a try!

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