What to sell on etsy

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I always love these so-called experts who try to tell you they have the magic secret to big sales on Etsy. There is no magic secret as it really does begin with what you sell.

For example, if you’re selling a cheaply made product, that is priced way above what it is worth, and no one has a need for it, then no magic secret is going to sell it.

Therefore, what you can start with is finding products that currently have a high demand but low supply. This is a good way to find success on Etsy.

The first thing I do in my research is identify products that are highly searched, or are part of a breakout or rising search, and then compare to the number of listings for that product on Etsy.

I just updated my What to Sell on Etsy ebook, and here are a few lucrative ideas from the ebook if you are looking for something new to sell:

  • Did you know that people search 12,000 times a month on Google for a mahogany teak scented candle, yet there are only 800 listings on Etsy?
  • Have you heard of shower steamers? They are a lot like bath bombs but for the shower. They are searched over 60,000 times a month on Google, yet there are only 3,400 listings on Etsy.
  • Do you sell engagement rings? Did you know there are over 60,000 searches every month on Google for oblong engagement rings, yet only 100 listings on Etsy? I don’t even know what that is, but if you have a ring that suits the description, at least take advantage of the SEO opportunity (maybe this is how men search?).

So if you’re still looking for that big seller on Etsy, take a look at the latest version of my What to Sell on Etsy ebook.


©2024 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. What to sell on Etsy.