Small Business Marketing Strategist

Tag: national days

10 April Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business

by Gail Oliver, Small Business Marketing Consultant

If you are on social media a lot, especially sites like Twitter, you have definitely seen trending hash tags such as #NationalPuppyDay (that was Monday) or #NationalCheeseSteakDay (that was yesterday). Now these “national’ days and observances may seem silly but they actually have a lot of marketing potential.

National Days for April

So what are some big national days coming up for April? Well, there is pretty much one (sometimes two or three) for every day of the month, but the ones that I think have the most marketing potential are:

    • #NationalChildrensBookDay (April 2nd)
    • #NationalBeerDay (April 7th)
    • #NationalPetDay (April 11th)
    • #NationalScrabbleDay (April 13th)
    • #NationalJellyBeanDay (April 22nd)
    • #NationalAdoptaShelterPetDay (April 30th)

How to Use National Days to Promote Your Business

It doesn’t have to be anything complicated to take advantage of all the trending these holidays do on social media and in the press. For example, you could simply send out a tweet with the cover of your favorite children’s book from childhood (with the hash tag #NationalChildrensBookDay) and ask people if they love it too, and if so to retweet. Be sure to retweet other people’s choices as well.

Cute animals always do well on social media, so for National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, why not do some good at the same time and go down to your local animal shelter, take a photo of a pet that needs a home, and post it to Instagram asking all of your followers to “like” it.

Other PR & Promotional Opportunities

There is a lot going on in April, with other events and occasions that present opportunities to get press for your business and capitalize on promotional opportunities. Just a few:

    • Opening day for Major League Baseball League (April 6th)
    • Coachella Music Festival (April 10th)
    • Game of Thrones season premiere (April 12th)
    • Earth Day (April 22nd)

This is why you will love my Social Media Posting Ideas because I give you creative ways to capitalize on these holidays, plus so much more!




© 2015 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. 

National Days Marketing Ideas

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

Yesterday on Twitter, I saw that the hash tag #NationalHugYourCatDay was trending and today I see the hash tag #NationalRunningDay is trending. So what are some national days marketing ideas that your business can take advantage of?

national days marketing ideasPopularity of National Days

You should know that marketers love holidays. Why wouldn’t we when it makes our jobs so much easier, as the majority of product sales occur at Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day and so forth.

Now in recent years, other holidays such as Independence Day, Valentine’s Day and St. Patrick’s Day have, obviously, all become a great marketing opportunities. Also, holidays such as Groundhog Day, President’s Day and Cinco de Mayo are still growing in popularity.

Now, if I was selling cat products, I have to say that I would have been all over that trending hash tag on Twitter yesterday. I would have been tweeting out funny cat memes that had my shop logo in the corner. I also would be commenting on really popular tweets to get my shop name seen. Finally, I would have offered a special discount in my shop just for the holiday and let some popular cat blogs know in hopes they would mention it to their readers.

National Days Marketing Ideas

Therefore, here are some international days of observance that your business could benefit from, in terms of publicity:

  • Earth Day: April 22nd – for anyone selling green or eco-friendly products, this is a huge publicity opportunity as newspapers and blogs are looking for interesting editorial.
  • International Literacy Day: September 8th – a great opportunity for independent book authors and publishers.
  • Universal Children’s Day: November 20th – a good opportunity for businesses selling baby and kids products.

Here are just a few of the more whimsical, national days of observance that your business might be able to use. Note, if you sell food products, or are a restaurant, pretty much every type of food has their own national day:

  • February 7: National Send a Card to a Friend Day
  • March 21: National Fragrance Day
  • April 10: National Golfer’s Day
  • July 15: National Ice Cream Day
  • August 26: National Dog Day 
  • September 9: National Grandparent’s Day

FINAL WORD: Small businesses need to take advantage of every free publicity opportunity available in order to get in front their target market. Maybe some of these days of observance can be an opportunity for yours.

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