Small Business Marketing Strategist

6 Sure-Fire Tips of What To Do When Business Is Slow

what to do when business is slowWhat to do when business is slow.

I hear online businesses complaining all the time why people aren’t buying. There is definitely a slow down after the holidays as people have bills to pay and spending may be limited. There is also another slowdown around tax time for obvious reasons.


If visitors to your store like your product, but dont’ feel they really need it, they won’t buy if money is tight. They may come back, but it you want to make the sale, you have to create a strong need to buy it now.

6 Ways You Can Still Make Sales in Slow Times
  • Provide a Low Price Section – People always have that desire to buy something new, even when they can’t afford it, so have a category in your online store marked “Under $20” if you can. Even call it something like, “Inexpensive Pick-Me Ups Under $20”. Highlight it with a ★.
  • Offer a Freebee – Buyers love to take advantage of free offers, but it has to be a limited time offer, and that is key. “Buy any 3 prints today ONLY and get the 4th for free”. what to do when business is slow
  • Offer One Day Only Free Shipping – Shipping costs can be a real deal breaker, but, again, if you say it is just for one day only, people will take advantage right away. While it might take a toll on your bottom line, the key is to get that initial customer which will lead to repeat business.
  • Buy Now, Pay Later – If you can, allow buyers to purchase items, but you will not process the transaction  (or send the items) until the end of month (which is typically when they get paid again).
  • Last One – Put a “Last One Available” icon right on the product photo. If the buyer thinks they can’t get it again, or not for a few weeks, they will act quickly. Screen shot 2013-04-29 at 10.24.58 AM
  • Sold Out – Have a sale, but mark certain items with a “Sold Out” icon. This indicates to buyers that your items are selling quickly and they have to act fast.

FINAL WORD: If business is slow to keep making sales you’ve got to pull out all the tricks and appeal to buyers’ need for a deal.

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© 2013 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. What to do when business is slow. 


  1. lin

    Some really good reminders here

  2. rhodyart

    there are some really useful thoughts here! thanks

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