Small Business Marketing Strategist

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Try This Super Smart Promotional Idea for Your Small Biz

I was waiting in line at the drive-thru for a coffee outlet called Tim Horton’s when I saw they were offering this mug that says, “Sorry for what I said before I had my Tim’s”.


I thought it was a brilliant way to promote their business. Instead of just putting their name on the cup, they actually made it more clever and interesting, and tied it back to the brand.

For example, let’s say you have a fashion brand. Why not print a t-shirt that says, “Sorry, this is all I have to wear until I go shopping at XYZ” as opposed to just putting your brand name on the shirt.

The point is, you can simply put your business name on a promo item – like pens, mugs, shirts, tote bags, etc. – or you can add something funny or clever that actually speaks to your brand and really get attention.

Another cool promo idea Tim’s had was this glow-in-the-dark Halloween bucket, for kids to take out trick or treating all while advertising their brand at the same time. Any promotional item that is holiday-inspired is always a good idea, and this will get used year after year.


If you need more creative marketing ideas, be sure to check out my 12-Month Marketing Plans, or ask me to create a custom marketing plan just for your business. Email me at for details.

©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

Go Viral with This Social Media Idea

Last week I wrote about Haunted Car Washes and how I thought this was a brilliant idea as Halloween experiences have become big business. Now I have a cool social media posting idea for you that is related.

If your business is looking for an interesting Instagram Story (the most popular content on Instagram) why not go and film your own experience going through a Haunted Car Wash or other local Haunted Experience in your city, post it as a story and give a shoutout to the business (meaning they might repost).

You might be thinking, “what does that have to do with my business?”, but you can make it apply.

For example, if you sell kids products you could go and film a local Halloween experience that is for kids and post it to your Stories as if you are offering an informative post for other parents in your city. The story still shows your business name and might create enough curiosity for a viewer to click over to your website.

If you’re a travel business, film a Halloween experience in a popular tourist city and post that to your stories.

If you’re a realtor, post a story of how your turned one of your open houses into a Haunted House.

Not to mention, Instagram stories like these have an excellent chance of going viral. social media ideas september

Be sure to use hashtags such as #spooktacular, #halloweeniscoming, #halloweenspirit #scary #instahalloween to really get found.

Need more posting ideas? Be sure to download my 365 Social Media Ideas.

©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. 

This Week’s Easy SEO Tip

I have an easy SEO tip for your business. I was on a major retailer’s website recently and I noticed their website sections as the following:

Two of the section headings, “Featured Outfits on TV” and “Jeans and a Going Out Top” struck me as feeling like a search query.

Since your website sections can also come up in Google search results as their own page, does it not make sense to frequently rename your website sections after popular searches that are showing up in your Google Analytic stats, or just based on trending searches in your market segment as a whole?

SEO Example 1

For example, let’s say you’re a travel agent. Go to Google Trends and type in “trip”, “travel” or “vacation” and look at searches for the last 7 days. One breakout search that came up was:

4 Day, 3 Night Las Vegas Vacation Packages with Flight

Therefore, why not make that a section on your website as it is already optimized for Google SEO?

If you feel that the search phrase is still not right for your local market, then narrow the Google Trends searches down by your city or state.

SEO Example 2Easy SEO Tip

Maybe you’re a realtor in New Jersey. Look at the top Google Trends searches for the last 7 days and you will see breakout searches like, “Lake Houses for Sale in New Jersey” and “2 Family Houses for Sale in New Jersey”. Again, make these website sections to improve your local SEO, even if just for the short term.

SEO Example 3

Maybe you sell throw pillows online. In the last seven days, “Lilac Throw Pillows” was a breakout Google search. I am not sure why, but what could it hurt to make it temporarily a shop section and see what happens.

More SEO tips on my blog:

More in my store.

Top Google Shopping Searches Past Week

  • Knee high boots
  • Halloween nail art
  • Claw hair clips
  • Pumpkin spice pedicure
  • Pumpkin spice dog treats
  • Fire & ice theme party decorations
  • Giant Halloween decorations

©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. This Week’s Easy SEO Tip

This Week’s Brilliant Marketing Idea

When I was checking out a hotel online in Nashville recently, I typed in the date I was interested in going and this screen came up:

It was a graphic alerting me to events that would be going on in the city during those dates. I thought it was brilliant, because the hotel was providing me with extra information in helping me make a decision as to whether I should book a trip.

So it got me thinking….

What extra information are you giving potential customers to help them buy from you?

  • For example, if you’re a realtor and someone clicks on listing, maybe have a pop-up graphic that indicates how long the house has been on the market, how many offers it current has or how much the value of other houses in the neighborhood have increased over the past 5 years.
  • If you’re a travel agent, when someone clicks on a certain destination, maybe have a pop up graphic indicating the best time of year to go, or what location would be a better option for this particular time of year.
  • If you’re a hair stylist, when someone clicks to make a reservation, maybe have a pop up graphic showing photos of the three latest hair color trends.
  • If you’re an ecommerce store, when someone clicks on a Halloween product, maybe have a pop up graphic indicating the number of days left until i.e. Just 32 days until Halloween!

The key is to close the sale by either providing more incentives and/or removing any possible apprehensions to buying.




©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

Why You Need a Brand Story

Today’s small businesses really need that personalization factor in order to connect with potential customers and secure their business … and a brand story can do just that. I have to be honest, the About Me section is one of the first places I go to on a website before I even think about buying.

why you need a Brand Story

A brand story is a great way to make a connection by sharing information about you and your business story, and really help to humanize your brand to potential customers and create a sense of trust and comfort in buying from you. Don’t you want to know who you are buying from?

It can be a powerful marketing tool that makes your brand more memorable and differentiates you from your competition. But a lot of people do not write them correctly.

First Person Only!

The first big mistake business owners make when writing their  brand story is writing it in the third person. Big no-no! You don’t want to sound like some far away, shadowy figure who is above talking to their customers. How many times have you been to a restaurant and the owner comes around to the table? It makes a difference. So, write it in first person if you want to make that connection.

A Little Background Info

Then you need to give a little background on why you started the business, its mission, its values, and what qualifies you for this business. You want to show your accomplishments, so it looks like you know what you’re doing, but without seeming like you’re bragging.

Talk to Your Target Audience

But, most importantly, you want to show that you understand your target customer – their wants, their needs, what they value – because they want to buy from someone who gets them.

Call to Action

Finally, you want to end your brand story with a call to action. Nothing too gimmicky, just suggest they can reach out to you by email, phone, text or even just click over to your products/services page to learn more.

An engaging and effectively written brand story can turn potential customers into real customers. If you are in need one, be sure to see my Brand Story Writing Service or email me at to see samples I have written for others.




© 2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

Want Your Website Traffic to Skyrocket This Fall?

Every fall, local searches for “fall festivals near me”, “pumpkin patches near me”, “haunted houses near me”  and other seasonal events SKYROCKET on Google.

Since Google automatically knows the location of your website or blog, your business website will show up for these “near me” searches if you have a dedicated page on your website with this information.

Already a breakout search on Google

So, whether you’re a travel agent, realtor, e-commerce site – whatever your is business – by simply adding an SEO-optimized page that says “Fun Fall Events 2023 in {Your City}”,to your website or blog, you can get a ton of local traffic from August through to late November.

Therefore, I created a copy-and-paste SEO-optimized template in Word that will allow you to get a Fun Fall Events 2023 in {Your City} page up on your website or blog today.


  • Will drive tons of local traffic for FREE, year after year.
  • Page ends with a call to action for your business.
  • You can also use an opportunity to do free cross promotion with other local businesses.
  • If it becomes popular enough, you could even charge companies to list their event, providing another revenue stream.

All the headings, sub headings, intro text  else and SEO is done for you to simply copy and paste into your website or blog editor. All you do have to fill in some of the information about local events in your city.

Download today and start driving more traffic!




© 2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

You NEED This Document If You’re a Small Business Owner

If something happened to you tomorrow, what would happen to your small business?

When you run your own business, it can be very autonomous. As such, your spouse, partner and/or grown children might not know the ins and outs – things like your passwords, what you have to pay every month, who works for you, when are your business taxes due, who your suppliers are, what is the name and phone number of your accountant – the questions are endless!

If you were to suddenly pass away, take ill or just want to take an extended vacation, would they know what to do?  This is why I came up with the Business Continuity Instructional Plan.

Completely editable and fillable, this 19-page Google Docs file will help you document all of your key business information, logins, passwords, codes, employees, contracts, suppliers, professional contacts, banks, insurance, financial commitments, and daily and monthly tasks and much more.


  • Business Information
  • Where Things Are Kept
  • Business Assets
  • Employee Information
  • Customer Information
  • Professional Contacts
  • Third Party Services
  • Sales Channels
  • Supplier Information
  • Financial Information
  • Financial Commitments
  • Important Papers
  • Computer Information
  • To Do List
  • Master Phone List
  • Other Things to Know

Again, you can completely edit and customize this 19-page Google Doc anyway you like. You can add or delete rows and columns, change text, colorize the text, delete tables, delete pages and so forth.

You can also print it out and fill in the information manually if you prefer not to have a digital copy of such sensitive information.

Designed specifically for the small business owner and sole entrepreneur, I guarantee you will find this document invaluable, and give you tremendous piece of mind.

NOTE: Before you purchase, please ensure you have a working Google account, as this is a Google Doc.

©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. 

31 Social Media Ideas for Every Day of July

social media ideas

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I just updated my 365 Social Media Calendar to go from July 2023 to June 2024, so as a freebie, here are July’s ideas for free!

Social Media Posting Ideas for July

JULY 1: Post a fun Canadian fact, graphic or meme wishing Canadians a happy #canadaday (i.e. Canada has a 99% literacy rate).

JULY 2: Post a poll asking followers their favorite UFO movie for #worldufoday.

JULY 3: Post a fun fact about tonight’s full moon, the Buck Moon (i.e. In July, the Full Moon is called Buck Moon to signify the new antlers that emerge on a deer buck’s forehead around this time).

JULY 4: Post answers to some of the top questions people search for today in a carousel post: “Who wrote the Declaration of Independence?”, “Who signed it?” “Where was it signed?” #independenceday.

JULY 5: Post a list of favorite summer wines for #winewednesday #summerwine.

JULY 6: Post 3 tips to quickly get a summer beach body for #summerbody #beachbody.

JULY 7: Post a graphic or meme that says, “Workin’ for the Weekend”.

JULY 8: Post a photo of something interesting going on in your city for #saturdaynight #saturdaybuzz.

JULY 9: Post your favorite 3 lifestyle blogs for #sundayblogshare.

JULY 10: Post a photo of a Pina Colada in front of a #sunset for national #pinacoladaday.

JULY 11: Post the name of the city with the world’s highest population, for #worldpopulationday.July social media ideas

JULY 12: Post an answer to “What is the Difference Between a Tropical Storm and a Hurricane” (a top search every year).

JULY 13: Post a vintage beach photo for #tbt #throwbackthursday.

JULY 14: Post answers to top searched questions in a carousel post: “What is Bastille Day?”, “Why iS Bastille Day celebrated?”, “How to say Happy Bastille Day in French?”

JULY 15: Post a #giveaway for national #givesomethingawayday.

JULY 16: Post a This or That poll i.e. Chocolate or Vanilla? for national #icecreamday.

JULY 17: Post a poll asking followers which emoji best describes their mood today for #worldemojiday.

JULY 18: Post a #shoutout to a local restaurant that has a great outdoor patio for #tastytuesday (they might repost, giving you a shoutout).

JULY 19: Post a This or That poll i.e. Strawberry Daiquiri or Watermelon Daiquiri? for national #daiquiriday.

JULY 20: Post tips on how to make the drive more fun on a road trip (a top search every summer).

JULY 21: Post a fun fact about the most popular junk food for national #junkfoodday (i.e. Did you know that Oreos are vegan?)

JULY 22: Post a cute meme of England’s Prince George for his birthday today.

JULY 23: Post a This or That Poll i.e. Mustard or Ketchup? for national #hotdogday.

JULY 24: Post a few interesting traits about Leo for the start of their Zodiac sign.

JULY 25: Post the 3 top cheeses and the best wines to have with them for #wineandcheeseday.

JULY 26: Post an answer to a top summer search, “How to Make Iced Coffee”.

JULY 27: Post an answer from a top health blog on “How to Treat Heat Exhaustion” (a top summer search).

JULY 28: Post a #fridayfunfact slide post (where you slide for the answer) such as, “Which City has the Highest Number of Dog Walkers” (answer: Orlando).

JULY 29: Post one of your best selling products (or services) and tell customers why for #bestsellersaturday.

JULY 30: Post an answer/reel to a top summer search, “How to Grill Corn” for #sundaygrill #sundaysupper.

JULY 31: Post a graphic that says, “Bye Bye July”.

social media ideas for July

Click to download

Get all 365 social media ideas for July 2023 to June 2024 in my best-selling 365 Social Media Ideas Calendar.  I also have one for Realtors and one for Schools.

Also Read: 8 Instagram Reel Ideas for Small Business




©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Social Media Posting Ideas for July.

The Hottest Tiktok Trends Right Now

If you use Tiktok to market your small business, you know that it can be all about trends. Here are some the hottest Tiktok trends right now that your business might be able to benefit your business.


The clean girl aesthetic covers decor, fashion and beauty, and is all about minimalism and understated sophistication, along with prioritizing your self-care.  Simple, neutral color palettes, pared-down style, but high quality.


The #mermaidcore trend is influenced by the release of the latest Little Mermaid film, and it has to do with fashion, jewelry and makeup involving pearls, ruffles, seashells, low-rise skirts, sequins and sparkles – all in the traditional mermaid color palette of purple, blue and green.


This trend is inspired by any magic or witchy type TV show you watched in the 90s, so it focuses on vintage stars, moon and other celestial decor.


Railscapes is a hot #decortok trend whereby houseplants line the balusters of your indoor staircase.


The dopamine #decortok trend is all about decorating with things that are fun and whimsical that gives you a rush of dopamine when you see them.


Painted bread is a popular #foodtok that is basically handmade bread, which has been decorated with floral and vine graphics using food coloring and food gel.


We’ve had hot chocolate bombs and coffee bombs, now tea bombs are the current rage, which are  a mixture of tea and other botanicals inside a dissolvable sugar shell.


This retro health #foodtok is making a comeback with Tiktok users looking for recipes for cottage cheese pasta, cottage cheese ice cream and cottage cheese toast, among other things.


The vintage cakes trend  has Tiktokers showcasing their over-the-top cake creations that are also ultra feminine with rows and rows of sugar pearls, an abundance of edible roses, an overload of piped icing, and just really gaudy, decadent designs.


Your #weddingtok #bridaltok trends should include custom or personalized wedding napkins that come with a cute story about the couple or special messages from the bride and groom.


Many small businesses are packing customer orders on camera, and people seem to respond to this, including their customers excited to see their own purchase getting ready for shipment.


A day in the life video follows a small business owner throughout their day so that the viewer gets some idea of all the tasks and activities involved in what they do. hottest tiktok trends right now

If you need more social media content ideas, be sure to download my 365 Social Media Ideas Calendar.

Also Read: 8 Instagram Reel Ideas and My Favorite Home Office Finds

©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Hottest Tiktok Trends Right Now

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