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Category: Small Business Marketing Ideas (Page 3 of 3)

Small Business Marketing Ideas blog posts

93 Awesome Marketing Ideas for October

by Gail Oliver, Online Consultant

Aren’t you happy fall is here? So am I and October brings a ton of opportunities for your small business.

My monthly Marketing Calendar & Planner is a great way to stay on top of all of them as I give three tactics to do every day, plus I include several “insider” secrets that I don’t mention on my blog. Here is just a sneak peek of what is in my October calendar:marketing-calendar-small-business

  • October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, so if your business is doing anything to support this cause, add a pink ribbon to your site and let people know how you are helping.
  • #MondayMotivation continues to be one of the most searched hash tags on Twitter so be sure to tweet out a #quote and/or inspiration photo each Monday.
  • If you haven’t submitted editorial pitches to online media for holiday editorial, the first week of October is really your last chance.
  • The World Series starts this month so expect it to be trending big time on all social media sites, especially in the evenings.
  • Mars and The Martian movie have been all over the news the past few days so expect a lot more trending, especially when the movie opens on Friday.
  • Next month is Small Business Saturday (November 28th) and American Express Open Forum (who selected my blog as one of their Top 10 Small Business Blogs to Follow) offers tons of freebies on their site for businesses.
  • National Coffee Day trended big on social media a few days ago, so hopefully National #PumpkinCheesecakeDay on October 21 will have the same momentum
  • Most of this month, particularly the last two weeks, every Halloween costume, decoration, food and makeup pin will be the most popular pins in your feed.
  • I have just started selling my monthly marketing calendar and marketing ebooks on You can sell products and services here as well. The cost is just 5% + 25 cents per transaction, no hosting fees, no monthly fees, no bandwidth feeds, no refund fees. Trust me, that is an awesome deal!

Want the other 84 tips and tactics for October? Get my Monthly Marketing Calendar for October available now for download. You will love it!

small business bloggersI’m Gail Oliver, a longtime marketing professional advising small businesses. If you need help marketing your small business, ask me how I can help at Be sure to also see my Marketing Ebooks for more creative ideas.

© 2015 Gail Oliver, Attention Getting Marketing. All rights reserved.


5 Creative Marketing Ideas If You Sell Kids and Baby Products

Do you need creative marketing ideas if selling kids and/or baby products? Getting your products in front of parents is obviously a key component to finding success in this market. Below are just a few of the creative tactics from my 12-Month Marketing Plan for Online Kids & Baby Shops to inspire you.

5 Creative Marketing Ideas If You Sell Kids & Baby Products
1. Magazines’ Baby Registry Features

All the major pregnancy magazines have a regular feature in every issue where they recommend baby products for a new mom to choose for her baby registry. Approach the writer or editor of this section with one or more of your products for their consideration. If they mention, be sure to add a “As Featured In” badge to your product photos.

2. Local Marketing

Selling online doesn’t mean you have to ignore local customers, you might really want to support a local business. Therefore, inquire at local gyms and fitness centers if there are any opportunities to sponsor Mommy and me classes.

3. Free Local Advertising

You know those window shades that people put in their car’s backseat window to keep the sun off of a baby? They present a great advertising opportunity if you put your shop name and url on the side visible to other drivers. Give one to every member of your family to really extend your reach locally. 

4. Social Media Ideas

Do not just post your products. Post content moms might like and try to get them to engage, such as:

  • Post a photo of a favorite celebrity mom for #WomanCrushWednesday and ask followers theirs. 
  • Post a list of your favorite kid’s movies and ask followers theirs. 
  • Post your favorite destinations for spring break family beach vacations for #TravelTuesday and ask followers theirs. 
5. Offer a Free Download

Change up your email opt-in incentive to include a free coloring printable, for special holidays or seasons, that of course clearly has your shop name and url on it. Even give a stack of these printables to local family restaurants to hand out to kids.

Get More Ideas for Your Kids & Baby Business!Creative Marketing Ideas Kids Baby Products

Each month you get a series of tactics and ideas for advertising, social media, publicity, promotions, email marketing, content marketing and more in my 12-Month Marketing Plan for Online Kids & Baby Shops. Download today! 

© 2022 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Creative Marketing Ideas Kids Baby Products


5 Must-Do Marketing Ideas for July

by Gail Oliver, Online Small Business Consultant

Need some cool ideas to promote your small business in July? Try some of these:

5 Must-Do Marketing Ideas for July

  1. Who doesn’t watch Netflix these days? Every month when Netflix updates its listings, it trends huge on social media. So, tweet out something about your favorite @Netflix show because they are very good are retweeting compliments, which puts your business name in front of their 1.42 million followers.
  2. Now is the time to be pitching to print magazines to get into fall editorial. Magazines will be writing about fall fashion, fall food, fall entertaining, fall decor, fall weddings, fall shows, fall movies, you name it. So come up with a fall-theme story pitch that involves your business.
  3. Creative Market is amazing! They give free goods away on their website including fonts, icons and graphics that you can use in your marketing.
  4. Two big events this month that will trend well on social media are Shark Week and Comic-Con, so take advantage by posting updates from both.
  5. Remember my post a couple of weeks back, 5 Ways to Promote Your Business at Summer Events? Take advantage of free advertising on your car (and your family and friends’ cars) by having a cardboard windshield sun visor made that displays your logo and url and leave it out when parking at popular local events.
  6. Check out my ebook shop for more creative ideas in my Marketing Ideas Ebooks.

© 2015 Gail Oliver, Attention Getting Marketing. All rights reserved.

5 Bright Marketing Ideas This Week

by Gail Oliver, Marketing Consultant

There were lots of great marketing and promotional ideas this week that got my attention. Hopefully some of these ideas will inspire your business.

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This Week’s Bright Marketing Ideas

  • Vienna coffee company Julius Meinl allowed customers at any of their locations to pay for their coffee simply by leaving an original poem, all in celebration of World Poetry Day on March 21 (#PayWithaPoem).
  • Starbucks is celebrating their 20th anniversary by selling a birthday cake flavored frappuccino.
  • Target is looking to add some more indie chic to their home decor offerings by now including products from artisan marketplace, Of a Kind.
  • Music festival fashion continues to be a hot commodity with major retailers such as Free People, Asos, TopShop, ModCloth and Roxy giving it a separate category in their online shops. H&M has even released a Coachella collection.
  • Yoga wear designer Lululemon has addressed a problem many men have and, as such, their ABC men’s pants are flying off the shelves. What does the “ABC” stand for? Anti-ball crushing.


10 April Marketing Ideas for Your Small Business

by Gail Oliver, Small Business Marketing Consultant

If you are on social media a lot, especially sites like Twitter, you have definitely seen trending hash tags such as #NationalPuppyDay (that was Monday) or #NationalCheeseSteakDay (that was yesterday). Now these “national’ days and observances may seem silly but they actually have a lot of marketing potential.

National Days for April

So what are some big national days coming up for April? Well, there is pretty much one (sometimes two or three) for every day of the month, but the ones that I think have the most marketing potential are:

    • #NationalChildrensBookDay (April 2nd)
    • #NationalBeerDay (April 7th)
    • #NationalPetDay (April 11th)
    • #NationalScrabbleDay (April 13th)
    • #NationalJellyBeanDay (April 22nd)
    • #NationalAdoptaShelterPetDay (April 30th)

How to Use National Days to Promote Your Business

It doesn’t have to be anything complicated to take advantage of all the trending these holidays do on social media and in the press. For example, you could simply send out a tweet with the cover of your favorite children’s book from childhood (with the hash tag #NationalChildrensBookDay) and ask people if they love it too, and if so to retweet. Be sure to retweet other people’s choices as well.

Cute animals always do well on social media, so for National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day, why not do some good at the same time and go down to your local animal shelter, take a photo of a pet that needs a home, and post it to Instagram asking all of your followers to “like” it.

Other PR & Promotional Opportunities

There is a lot going on in April, with other events and occasions that present opportunities to get press for your business and capitalize on promotional opportunities. Just a few:

    • Opening day for Major League Baseball League (April 6th)
    • Coachella Music Festival (April 10th)
    • Game of Thrones season premiere (April 12th)
    • Earth Day (April 22nd)

This is why you will love my Social Media Posting Ideas because I give you creative ways to capitalize on these holidays, plus so much more!




© 2015 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. 

Small Business Saturday Marketing Ideas

Small business Saturday marketing ideas

Updated for 2022. Looking for some Small Business Saturday marketing ideas for both retail and online businesses?

In case you are not aware, Small Business Saturday (SBS) takes place every year on the Saturday after the US Thanksgiving. Therefore, Small Business Saturday 2022 will be November 26th.

The goal is to drive business to local stores, restaurants and other establishments so that they get their share of local holiday spending dollars.

Here are some ideas to ramp up your marketing efforts for Small Business Saturday:

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #1: Email Your Local Customers

Hopefully you have been asking your customers and online visitors for email sign ups. If you’re a retail shop, you should be doing this every day in your store, so you can take advantage of opportunities such as these.

One of the best ways for a retail shop to get emails is to ask customers to fill out a ballot for a draw. Read my post, How To Keep Customers Coming Back to Your Retail Store for more of these types of ideas.

If you’re an online store, you should be separating your local customers’ emails from your non-local customers, just for the purpose of SBS. Send just one email (use emojis in the subject line to get their attention) and make a fabulous one-day only offer (it has to be really good, like 40% off) just for them. Give them a code to quote to get the discount and encourage them to share with all of their friends and relatives in the area. Even encourage curb site pickup if possible.

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #2: Reach Out to Local Business Reporters

Email the editor of your local newspaper (do it this 2 weeks prior or you’ll be too late!) asking if they are planning any articles on local companies offering special offers or unique in-store attractions for Small Business Saturday. Then be sure to quickly mention a special you will be offering in hopes they will include you as part of the story.

For online stores, ask the editor if they will consider doing a separate article focusing on local businesses selling online. It can’t hurt to put the idea in their head as they will be looking for interesting story ideas on this subject.

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #3: Follow the Social Media Pages of Popular Local Sites

Your local market tends to follow social media pages for their local newspapers, sports teams, radio stations, event listings and so forth. So make sure that you are following these pages as well. This way you can comment on their Facebook posts, for example, and now their followers will see the name of your business.

Make sure that you change your Facebook avatar to reflect a Small Business Saturday sale offer. This will help to further get their attention. Your local newspaper might even be posting local businesses with specials and sales on their social media pages. If you can’t get in on this post, at very least you can comment on it and mention your special offers.

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #4: Run Localized Google Ads  

Consider running a Google ad for your online store, just for the month of November, or last two weeks of November. This will encompass not only Small Business Saturday, but also Black Friday and Cyber Monday. If you make it a “localized” ad to just your city, it will be much more affordable. Be sure to include some of the popular SBS search phrases in your keyword list for the ad.

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #5: If You Sell On Etsy

If you sell on a marketplace like Etsy, make sure you have entered your city in your profile (if you haven’t already) as customers can search for shops this way. You will also want to mention your city again in your shop title and  in your shop description, if only just for Small Business Saturday (you can remove it from here after that). You can also mention it in some of your listing tags, as people do search “Boston Shops”, for example.

For your regular website, you should always have your city in your title tag and on your home page, especially since so many people use “near me” searches. For example:

Designer Pet Collars, Pet Bandanas and Pet Tags | Boston MA

Even change your shop banner just for the day with a graphic that shows a photo of a landmark specific to your city and that you are i.e. “Boston Proud”.

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #6: Aline with Other Small Businesses

Pair up with a few other retail and online shops in your city who sell complimentary (but not competing) products and ask if they wish to form some sort of alliance. In other words, they will mention you on their website/online shop if you mention them on yours. Kind of like a blog roll of local shops to check out on Small Business Saturday.

Again, you only have to keep this on your site for the week prior to, and the days after Small Business Saturday. Even use the #s4s hash tag (shoutout for shoutout) on Instagram to help promote your fellow local businesses and vice versa.

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #7: Get In Store Support 

For online stores, you could take this a step further and approach popular local merchants and see if they will try carrying your products in a small section of their store for just one Saturday, entitled, “Support Local Small Business“. Tell them you will bring all of your friends, family and customers to their shop that day. It could result in press for them as well (local shop supports local business).

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #8: “Localize” Your Marketing Materials

small business Saturday marketing ideasOne of my best Small Business Saturday marketing ideas is to add local labels or tags to your products (such as the logo above which you can download at my Etsy shop and use license free) so that customers are influenced by the fact that your products are home-grown. For online stores, you can use these when you sell at local craft shows or local shops. American Express also has free Shop Small marketing templates you can use.

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #9: Use Hashtags

Send off some Tweets or Instagram posts using the #hash tags:

    • #SmallBusinessSaturday
    • #SmallBusinessSaturday2021
    • #SmallBusinessSupport
    • #SmallBizSaturday
    • #ShopSmall 
    • #ShopLocal
    • #SmallBizSat
    • #SmallBusiness
    • #SmallBusinesses
    • #SmallBusinessOwner

Again, add your city at the end to get to your local market i.e. #SmallBusinessSaturdayBoston (make sure your Twitter profile lists your city and change your Twitter Trends box to see what is trending in your city). Also, retweet the tweets of other businesses in your city and they may return the favor.

Small Business Saturday Marketing Idea #10: Business Listings

Furthermore, make sure you have set up a profile on Yelp, Google My Business and Yahoo Local well in advance of Small Business Saturday. These listings are free and they help you to show up in local search results. In the case of Yelp, add a photo/image of any special you are offering for Small Business Saturday.

Need more marketing ideas for your small business? Check out my 12-Month Marketing Strategy Plans for a variety of different types of businesses.

Small Business Consultations

Since 2012 I have advised thousands of small businesses and I can help yours too. My very affordable Phone Consultations provide experienced and professional advice, feedback and direction as well as specific tactics to market and promote your small business.

More Small Business Posts




© 2012-2021 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Small Business Saturday Marketing Ideas. 

Killer Real Estate Marketing Ideas for Realtors

real estate marketing ideas

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Are you struggling to get your real estate business off the ground? What if you had an easy to follow, tactical 12-Month Marketing Plan to follow?

Well, I created one. To give you an idea of what it is all about, below is the January marketing plan from my best-selling, 12-Month Real Estate Marketing Plan

Real Estate Marketing Plan for January

Real Estate Publicity Ideas for January
  • Email a story pitch idea to your local newspaper’s home editor such as, “Top House Trends for the New Year”, to include a quote from you.
  • Check and submit daily to HARO (Help a Reporter) requests that apply (sign up for these PR requests for free).
Real Estate Advertising Ideas for January
Real Estate Social Media Ideas for January
  • Post a photo of a busy open house that you held on the weekend for #ManicMonday.
  • Post a home renovation before and after photo every Tuesday for #TransformationTuesday.
  • Post a piece of real estate advice every Wednesday for #WednesdayWisdom.
  • Post a photo of favorite home decorating book every Friday for #FridayReads.
  • Post a photo of an unusual home floor plan every Sunday for #SundayFunday.
  • Post a 15-second video / reel walkthrough of one of your latest listings.
  • Create a Pinterest board called, “House Buying Checklist” as this phrase gets searched 5 million times a month on Pinterest. Pin to it daily and make sure that pin descriptions also include the hash tag “#Housebuyingchecklist”.
  • Comment on the Instagram and Facebook posts of your local newspaper, local radio stations, local sports teams, and popular local businesses like restaurants and entertainment venues, to get your realtor name seen by your local market.
  • If you need more real estate social media post ideas, check out “365 Real Estate Posting Ideas“.
Real Estate Email Marketing Ideas for January
  • Create a free email signature (use WiseStamp) and include a linkable website banner, links to your social media, your latest listing and your latest blog post.
  • Change up your email opt-in incentive to include a free calendar printable for the new year that has your business name and url on it, to serve as a constant reminder.
Real Estate Promotional Ideas for January
  • Add a solar powered light over all of your “For Sale” signs that will illuminate the sign at night for passerbys to see.
  • Add flyouts or additional smaller signs, to your “For Sale” signs such as, “Offer Pending” or “In Ground Pool” or “Gourmet Kitchen”, just so they stand out more.
Real Estate Content Marketing Ideas for January
  • Write a short article on “House Listing Photo Fails”, include a byline and link to your business, and submit it to Buzzfeed.,
  • If you haven’t already, create a blog to drive traffic to your website. You can then circulate your blog posts on social media as well as on blog sharing sites like BLOGLOVIN’, even if your posts are something as simple as curated content, such as “Real Estate Roundup: Our Favorite Houses of the Week”. It also gives you a reason to email your customers weekly.

Up your real estate marketing game even more, with a savvy written Realtor Bio or a SEO-optimized Blog Post that will help you get found by new clients. I write them both!

Download My Best-Selling Real Estate Marketing Plan!
real estate marketing ideas

Real Estate Marketing Ideas

Again, this was just January. Get all 12 months in my download, 12-Month Real Estate Marketing Plan,  all to help you get MORE clients AND sell MORE listings.

Also read: Creative Social Media Post Ideas for Realtors 

© 2015-2022 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. real estate marketing ideas


5 Marketing Ideas for Your Website Banner Design

website banner designYour website banner design is a great marketing tool.

Most websites, e-commerce sites, blogs, and social media sites templates encourage you to include a banner or cover image or graphic header at the top.

This banner design has huge marketing potential, so make sure you are using it to the fullest. It is an ideal way to keep people on your site longer, and engage with more of your pages. It can definitely improve your bounce rate.

Website Banner Design That Displays Your Product Line

I love how this banner design shows a variety of their pillows in various colors and styles, so you get the idea that they have a large selection. Obviously, it is also to mention a very big sale, which is another great ideas for your banner as in the next point.

website banner design

Website Banner Design  to Display Any Sales or Promotions

This banner design is great because it is so bright and eye catching, a great way to announce a sale.

website banner design

Banner Design that Shows Your Best Sellers

This site uses their banner to take you right to their best sellers. The words “Best Sellers” carries a lot of weight with customers and usually convert the highest into a sale as they seem like a trusted purchase.

website banner design

Website Design to Show Your New Products

How fun and eye catching is this banner design, that shows the new products in the shop. This is helpful if you have frequent visitors, as they always want to see what is new.

website banner ideas

Website Banner to Display Your Holiday or Seasonal Products

website banners

xOther Ideas for Your Website Banner Design
  • Display your Social Media Sites
  • Display your Regular Offers, such as  Free Shipping
  • Display your Special Services
  • Display your Recent Press Coverage
  • Display your Blog URL
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My Small Business Services

I offer a variety of very affordable services for small businesses from one on one consulting to various marketing writing services.

About Me

A 20+ year marketing professional, small business consultant, ebook author & blogger, my advice has been featured in the NY Times, Success Magazine, American Express, Big Commerce, Business2Community to name a few – so this is professional advice you can trust!

Since 2012, I have been selling online including on Shopify, Etsy, Gumroad and on Amazon back in its early years. This, combined with my decades of marketing & business experience means I can advise, mentor as well as come up with creative new ideas for your business. It really does help to talk to someone who is objective to get a new but professional perspective.

I have written publicity pitches for clients that resulted in them being featured in Real Simple Magazine, Apartment Therapy, House Beautiful, Vanity Fair, Houzz, Martha Stewart, Glamour Magazine, LONNY, DesignMilk, Emmaline Bride,– just to name a few.

© 2014 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Website banner design. 
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