Small Business Marketing Strategist

Tag: etsy marketing

5 Etsy Shop Marketing Tips for December

You may be busy filling Christmas orders, but don’t forget you always need to be marketing and promoting your Etsy shop, especially to avoid the upcoming January lull. So today, I am giving 5 hot tips.

5 Etsy Shop Marketing Tips for December
  1. Everyone will be on Instagram on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day posting photos so it’s a good time to run an Instagram ad for your shop, advertising gifts people may have wanted to get but didn’t get for Christmas. In Canada and the UK, it’s called a Boxing Day sale.5 Etsy Shop Marketing Tips for December
  2. If you sell wedding products, you need to run a Google, Facebook, Instagram and/or Pinterest ad for your shop starting Christmas Day and running for the next 10 days as 70% of all engagements happen on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve.
  3. At mid to end of December, you will want to start sending product submissions to blogs that your target market reads for inclusion in their Valentine’s gift guides.
  4. Pantone is announcing their Color of the Year later the first week of December so make sure to capitalize on the social media buzz it generates posting any products you have in the color or products from other non-competitive shops (in hopes they return the favor). Also, pitch to the Etsy editors any products you have in the color as they will likely be writing about it as well.
  5. Create an after-Christmas product bundle to get rid of any overstock, out-of-date, poor selling or seasonal items.

Get more tips to drive traffic to your Etsy shop with my best selling 30-Day Etsy Success Plan.

© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

Happy National Deep Dish Pizza Day! There really is a national day for everything, isn’t there? Here are some other marketing tips you may find helpful for your online shop.

marketing tips

Product Photos

Screen shot 2016-04-04 at 6.22.06 PMOne tip I always give in my Marketing Ebooks is that when shooting your products be sure to show their purpose. In other words, don’t just show a bowl, show a bowl full of something so that potential customers immediately get a purpose for the bowl. Don’t just show a bracelet, show the bracelet on a model or with other bracelets of yours (to upsell more) or with outfit ideas, and so forth. Customers are more likely to look at photos than read the copy, so use your photos to put these “reasons to buy” in their head.

Drunk Online Shopping

Have you heard about “Sip and Click? A new report from Lyst (an e-commerce site) shows a huge spike in women’s online shopping habits late on Friday evenings resulting in 48 percent more orders Saturday at 2 a.m. when compared to Monday night sales. It seems that after 1 a.m., the dollar value of the order goes up 40 percent compared to that same time on a Monday night. The feeling is this spike is due to women going online after having a few drinks and, as such, have more “relaxed” shopping habits. Now, I am not saying to take advantage of these women, but it is good to know that late into Friday evenings a lot of women (not all drunk) are online shopping so you may want to tailor your social media postings for these times.

Social Media Demographics

Who are you trying to reach on social media? According to a new report from Social Media Today, if you want to reach the 18 to 24 age group, SnapChat should be your number one social site as it completely dominates this segment. 25 to 34-year olds rank Instagram as #1, ages 35 to 44 favor Pinterest, for 45 to 54 it is LinkedIN, and for 55+ it is Facebook.

Sales Conversion Rates

While time spent on mobile continues to exceed time spent on desktop (67% vs 21%) according to the Social Media Today report above, a new report from Monetate shows that sales conversion of people shopping online via desktop is 3 times what it is on mobile. In the last quarter of 2015, online shopping from a desktop had a conversion rate of 4.43% while online shopping from a mobile phone had a sales conversion rate of just 1.53%. So do not eliminate all of your desktop advertising just yet.

Trending This Week

  • April 5 – #NationalDeepDishPizzaDay, #TuesdayTreatScreen shot 2016-04-04 at 7.26.38 PM
  • April 6 – #WednesdayWant
  • April 7 – #MastersWeek
  • April 8 – #NationalBeerDay
  • April 9 – #Caturday, #SaturdaySwag
  • April 10 – #NationalSiblingsDay
  • April 11 – #NationalPetDay

BONUS TIP: Be sure to update your email signature with any monthly promotions or Mother’s Day offers if you haven’t already.

New Service!

My Quick Fix is perfect for those of you on a tight budget. With my Quick Fix ($19), I will examine your online shop and identify 3 things you need to do/change/fix to drive more traffic and get more sales. If you would like a more extensive evaluation with detailed, step by step recommendations, then check out my Online Shop Critique ($129).

© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

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