When it comes to increasing your sales, there are many options you have including spending more on marketing, adding more products, raising your prices, but the single, most obvious one is increasing your traffic.
How to Increase Your Sales
For example, let’s say that in 2021 your sales were $60,000, and this year you would like sales to be $120,000. Therefore, it makes sense that if you want your sales to double, your traffic needs to double, all other things staying the same.
Let’s say your overall website traffic is currently 20,000 visitors a month, so now it has to grow to 40,000 visitors a month.
How to Grow Your Traffic
So, how do you grow your traffic?
Well, if the majority of your traffic is coming from Google and you are currently spending $500 a month on Google ads, then it would make sense that you need to double your Google ad spending to $1,000 (again, this is just a simplistic solution; maybe you can spend the same amount and just improve upon your keywords).
What if the majority of your traffic is coming from social media sites? Then you need to double your time spent marketing on social media as well as try to double your followers.
If you currently have back links to your shop from 10 different sources that are consistently driving traffic, then maybe you need to double your backlinks to 20.
In layman terms, essentially everything you are doing in terms of generating traffic needs to double, if this is your sales objective.
As I said, this is the single, most obvious way to increase your sales. It is not the only solution, but it is a good benchmark to start with.
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