Small Business Marketing Strategist

Selling Art on Etsy

selling art on etsySelling art on Etsy is not an easy feat, due to the fact that there is so much competition. However, my, 12-Month Marketing Plan for Art Shops will give you some very helpful tips to make your Etsy art shop a standout, get more traffic and make more sales.

Below are just a few of the hundreds of tactics in the 12-Month Plan:

Selling Art Idea #1

Take advantage of National #InspireYourHeartwithArt Day on January 31st that trends big on social media. It is a great PR opportunity to get attention from both home decor blogs and even your local media.

Selling Art Idea #2

If you have already set up a free profile on, use it to follow interior decorators and designers that may want your art for their clients. You can mention your Etsy shop in your profile. Never focus just on selling to end users. Selling to decorators means repeat customers and typically larger orders.

Selling Art Idea #3

Also on Houzz, comment regularly on articles that have to do with art, as well as answer questions in the forums about art, as these are opportunities for other readers to see your Etsy shop name.

Selling Art Idea #4

Don’t just pin your art to Pinterest, pin a collage that looks like a gallery art wall of your art, to help upsell more pieces. Also pin ways to display art.

Selling Art Idea #5

Businesses also need art (not just home owners) so run ads on Facebook that target dentist offices, doctors offices,  restaurant owners and the like, with a link to your Etsy shop.

Selling Art Idea #6

Wear your art on a tshirt (that also has your Etsy shop name and url on it) and give the shirts to family and friends to wear at every major public event like concerts, charity walks, and festivals.

Selling Art Idea #7

Ask a local builder if you can hang some pieces in their model home in exchange for leaving business cards for your shop below the piece. i.e. Art courtesy of XYZ Shop on Etsy. selling art on etsy

Need MORE IDEAS on selling art on Etsy?

All of the above ideas are from my 12-Month Marketing Plan for Art Shops. Download at my Etsy shop

Are you an Etsy Seller
? I do Etsy shop critiques as well. Please visit my Etsy store here.

More Art and Etsy Posts

© 2017 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Selling art on Etsy

1 Comment

  1. Emilio

    Imagine the commission if I manage to sell one of those paintings. Just one sale from a million dollar work and I’m set for the YEAR!

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