365 blog post title ideasDo you need some blog post title ideas for your company blog, lifestyle blog or content marketing strategy? My new download, 365 Blog Post Ideas, is based on an entire year of research that I did tracking the top searches for every day of the year and the most in demand content.

Blog Post Title Ideas

For example, some of the top searches every April are:

  • When Does Allergy Season Start
  • Online Tax Calculators
  • Funny Quotes about Siblings (for National Siblings Day)
  • How to Boil Eggs to Dye for Easter

By turning these popular questions into blog post title ideas with answers (and optimizing for such) it is a great way to drive search traffic to your blog or website.

My blog post title calendar goes from April 2022 to March 2023, with a total of 365 blog post title ideas, one for every day of the year, but it is really perpetual as people tend to ask the same questions, year after year.

All of the blog post titles in my guide have been optimized for Google search, based on the actual search phrases people use.blog post title ideas 2022 lifestyle

This calendar will save you endless hours of research as well as frustration trying to come up with ideas to write about, and benefit help your site’s overall SEO strategy. They are lifestyle posts for the most part, and this type of content can work for any type of business blog, especially on those days when you do not feel like writing about something business-related.

If you need more blogging help, the calendar pairs nicely with my 30-Page Complete Blogging Planner.

If you need more inspiration, you might also want to read my post, Blog Ideas for Your Online Store. 

📣Need advice? Feel free to ask me a question at attentiongetting@gmail.com. Be sure to also follow me on Instagram for additional tips and you can learn more about me here.

© 2022 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.