Small Business Marketing Strategist

Category: Marketing I Love (Page 1 of 2)

Try This Super Smart Promotional Idea for Your Small Biz

I was waiting in line at the drive-thru for a coffee outlet called Tim Horton’s when I saw they were offering this mug that says, “Sorry for what I said before I had my Tim’s”.


I thought it was a brilliant way to promote their business. Instead of just putting their name on the cup, they actually made it more clever and interesting, and tied it back to the brand.

For example, let’s say you have a fashion brand. Why not print a t-shirt that says, “Sorry, this is all I have to wear until I go shopping at XYZ” as opposed to just putting your brand name on the shirt.

The point is, you can simply put your business name on a promo item – like pens, mugs, shirts, tote bags, etc. – or you can add something funny or clever that actually speaks to your brand and really get attention.

Another cool promo idea Tim’s had was this glow-in-the-dark Halloween bucket, for kids to take out trick or treating all while advertising their brand at the same time. Any promotional item that is holiday-inspired is always a good idea, and this will get used year after year.


If you need more creative marketing ideas, be sure to check out my 12-Month Marketing Plans, or ask me to create a custom marketing plan just for your business. Email me at for details.

©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

A Fun Way To Attract Attention To Your Business

A town called Minocqua in Wisconsin has an annual tradition of creating a 30-foot tall snowman to attract the attention of passer-bys to their visitor’s bureau.

It is a brilliant marketing idea on many levels:

  • It attracts attention.
  • It gets community involvement as volunteers construct the snowman.
  • It gets annual free local publicity, that also turns into national publicity.
  • People pose with the snowman and post to social media.

I remember doing a marketing plan for an outdoor garden center and they wanted an idea that would get people to visit at the start of the season. I suggested that they create a giant bunny topiary that kids (and adults) could pose with for Easter.

It’s the same sort of idea. It gets the business noticed; it draws people to the business; it gets the business shared on social media; and it’s quirky enough that it will likely get some free publicity (if the bunny is large enough).

So whether you drape the side of your building with a giant flag for the Fourth of July or light it up with the colors of the teams playing in the Superbowl or position a giant heart frame out the front for couples to take their photo for Valentine’s Day, try to think of something seasonal, holiday-themed or even weather-related to create attention.

You might also want to read, 101 Super Creative Promotional Ideas for Your Small Business.

Need creative ideas just for your business? Be sure to check out my Marketing Services.

©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. A Fun Way To Attract Attention To Your Business.

Today’s Marketing Idea I Love

marketing ideas I loveHappy new year everyone!

So here is today’s marketing idea that I really love, and that I thought you might want to try with your own business.

I was on the website of the furniture retailer, West Elm, and I really liked how they include this “Why West Elm?” graphic at the end of every listing description.

It focuses on five key elements of their value proposition, with short-to-the-point text and easy to understand graphics. 

The goal is to reinforce to first-time customers your business’ values and credibility, to create trust in buying from you.

If you need help writing your website copy, About page, Brand Story, blog posts, press releases, listing descriptions, and so forth, I offer a variety of affordable marketing writing services that create engagement and are optimized for SEO. Just email me at to discuss or head over to my Services page at my Shopify store or on Etsy.

I know you’re busy, so here are more of my 30-Second Reads.

©2023 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Today’s Marketing Idea I Love 

My Favorite Marketing Ideas of the Month

Favorite Marketing Ideas

I love writing about my favorite marketing ideas.

So, I’m always on the lookout for effective marketing tactics that online stores are trying on their websites to make more sales.

Here are three good marketing ideas I found this week that you might want to try with your online store.

Favorite Marketing Idea #1: An Effective Rewards Program

Rewards programs are a great way to maintain customer loyalty, but they can also get your customers to do your marketing for you. Look at the effective way that Urban Outfitters uses their rewards program below, with points for everything from downloading the app to writing a review. I would also add points for sharing purchases on social media and referring to friends. 

favorite marketing ideas

Favorite Marketing Idea #2: New Location for Email Opt-In

Are you finding that people are just not signing up for your email list? Then put the email opt-in right in with your product photos, the way Society6 does below.

favorite marketing ideas

Favorite Marketing Idea #3: Use the Sidebar on Your Blog

If you have a blog as part of your ecommerce site, you should be using your sidebar to direct customers back to the shop, the way the blog Food52 does below, especially if you focus the ad graphic on one product category and add a “SHOP NOW” button.

favorite marketing ideas

About Me

A 20+ year marketing professional, small business consultant, ebook author & blogger, my advice has been featured in the NY Times, Success Magazine, American Express, Big Commerce, Business2Community to name a few – so this is professional advice you can trust!

I have consulted for thousands of small businesses since 2012. It really does help to talk to someone who is objective to get a new, but professional, perspective. I have also written publicity pitches for clients that resulted in them being featured in Real Simple Magazine, Apartment Therapy, House Beautiful, Vanity Fair, Houzz, Martha Stewart, Glamour Magazine, LONNY, DesignMilk, Emmaline Bride,– just to name a few. Learn more about my services here

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© 2021 Gail Oliver. All right reserved. Favorite Marketing Ideas.

3 Awesome Marketing Ideas to Add to Your Website

marketing ideas for your websiteI am always searching for new ways to improve ecommerce, and I found three awesome marketing ideas to add to your website.

These ideas work no matter what type of business you have, not just ecommerce, but also real estate, beauty salons, restaurants and so forth.

A Really Effective Email Opt-In

I love what the Woven Nook has done here with their email opt-in. First of all, you have to give an incentive like a percentage off, or depending on your business, it could also be a free download. Otherwise, people will not sign up.

Then, I like that they are also asking for your phone number for text alerts, and your birthday for special offers. Plus, I love the photo with the visual identity of what they sell and their branding.

Awesome Marketing Ideas Website

A Promotional Graphic in with Product Photos

I love how Bauble Bar put this colorful sales graphic right in with their regular product listing photos. Again, you can do this no matter what type of business. For a realtor, put a graphic for a personalized service in between house listings. For a restaurant, use a graphic in between menu options to indicate when you will be open again for in-door dining. For a beauty salon, include a graphic customers can click to send a beauty service gift to a friend. Just think of it as an ad. Get creative!

A Stylish Look Book

The store Viet Trang Handicraft has a very simple but stylish look book, which is actually just a slide show that can be easily added to any site. But it does help to quickly see the range of products they offer and how they work together to upset more items, with a call to action at the end. Plus, you can upload this to your social media sites as well.

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© 2021 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Awesome Marketing Ideas Website

3 Awesome E-commerce Tips of the Week

By Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

I found some really effective tactics being used at some online shops that I thought I would share, that may add value to your e-commerce site.

Make Your Email Sign Up More Attention Getting

The Palm Tree Boutique did something smart. When I land on a home page of an online shop, I typically get an annoying box asking me to sign up for their newsletter that I almost immediately click shut. But Palm Tree did something different and put up a very large photo image instead, plus offering 20%, which is quite generous. It was much more effective.

effective marketing

Let Customers Make Their Own Product Bundles

I love this idea by the makeup company, Benefit, of allowing customers to create their own bundle of products. The price is set at $79, but customers get to choose three products from three different options, plus they also receive free gifts. Great way to up-sell more products.

ecommerce tips

 Give Previews of Your Social Media & Incentives to Follow

I have long recommended to clients to instead of just say, “follow us on social media” to give an incentive to do so, as well as a preview of what you post. The online store Furbish Studios does a nice job of both. letting people know that if they follow on Instagram they will get exclusive discounts, Furbish favorites and design inspiration.

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May Marketing Calendar

Online Shops May Calendar CoverThe May version of my very popular Marketing Calendar for Online Shops is available now. I also have a version for Etsy shops available here.


Marketing I Love: 2 Favs of the Week

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

I am always on the lookout for great marketing, so here are a couple of tactics I noticed this week that I hope will inspire your business.

Fav Instagram Account of the Week: Play-doh

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I love what Play-doh is doing on Instagram. A lot of shops who use my monthly Marketing Calendar or have read my Ebooks, know that one of the keys to success on social media is taking advantage of what is trending. Play-doh is using its product, but in a playful way, to capitalize on key pop culture events. Look closely and you will see a white dog in honor of the premiere of Games of Thrones that night or an image for the first day of major league baseball or an image to announce the start of April. They find a clever way to capitalize on these trending hash tags.

Fav Promo of the Week: Lands End

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Lands End is taking advantage of Mother’s Day by asking its Instagram followers to tell them who in their life is an all around amazing woman, include the hashtag #sheis, and they have a chance to win a gift tote plus their picture could be part of their Mother’s Day page. This is a good way to spark a discussion on social media, get your own hash tag trending and get more comments on your Instagram page.

My New Ebooks are Here!

booksI am very proud of my new ebooks as I have packed them with my very best advice, tactics, tips and secrets for publicity, social media, promotions and more. You will not be disappointed! Available at my Selz Ebook Shop.

Marketing I Love: 3 Favs of the Week

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

Time for another roundup of my favorites, this week a colorful Instagram account, a stylish online shop and a chic product packaging design. 

My Fav Instagram Account of the Week

I absolutely love the Instagram profile from Rachel Mae Smith of the blog, The Crafted Life. On her account she features a lot of bright and colorful photographs (her own) as well as simple but stylized images that relate back to her DIY and crafting blog. If you need a little color in your life, be sure to follow Rachel on Instagram at

Favorite Instagram accounts

My Fav Online Shop of the Week

Koromiko is a true artisan online marketplace. Featuring a variety of designers in the home goods space (some jewelry), the online shop features a clean, simplistic design. I love how the opening slide show features a variety of different products working together, which is so important when you want to up-sell more items in your shop. Don’t you just want to buy everything shown below because it all works so beautifully together? I also love that Koromiko profiles the artisans right on the home page, as well as in the section entitled, “Maker Spaces” for a glimpse inside the artists’ workshops. Keeps you on the site longer.

favorite ecommerce sites

 My Fav Product Packaging Design of the Week

I have always said, packaging does not have to be complicated to be effective. I love the packaging design of I Am Fragrance. Each bottle details a characteristic of what the perfume represents. The word “perfume” is not even on the front of the label. Just a basic typeface and each fragrance distinguished by the color of the label and matching ribbon makes for an eye-catching design.

great packaging design

Check back tomorrow for my advice on clever ways to get in front of your target market … Gail 

arrowNeed help marketing your small business? Get my personalized Marketing Action Plan for your business and immediately see a difference in traffic and sales!


5 Bright Marketing Ideas This Week

by Gail Oliver, Marketing Consultant

There were lots of great marketing and promotional ideas this week that got my attention. Hopefully some of these ideas will inspire your business.

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This Week’s Bright Marketing Ideas

  • Vienna coffee company Julius Meinl allowed customers at any of their locations to pay for their coffee simply by leaving an original poem, all in celebration of World Poetry Day on March 21 (#PayWithaPoem).
  • Starbucks is celebrating their 20th anniversary by selling a birthday cake flavored frappuccino.
  • Target is looking to add some more indie chic to their home decor offerings by now including products from artisan marketplace, Of a Kind.
  • Music festival fashion continues to be a hot commodity with major retailers such as Free People, Asos, TopShop, ModCloth and Roxy giving it a separate category in their online shops. H&M has even released a Coachella collection.
  • Yoga wear designer Lululemon has addressed a problem many men have and, as such, their ABC men’s pants are flying off the shelves. What does the “ABC” stand for? Anti-ball crushing.


How to Write a Blog Post

by Gail Oliver, Marketing Consultant

Want to know how to write a blog post? Follow my easy tips below and you’ll be writing in no time.

Blog Post Length

First, you need know that there are three types of blog posts in terms of length:

  1. Regular Blog Post – 300+ words
  2. Micro Blog Post – less than 300 words
  3. Cornerstone Blog Post – over 2,500 words, as this is what is needed to have the post rank well in Google search.

Therefore, decide what length you want to write. If it is your first time out, I recommend a regular blog post.

If you want to just keep yourself in front of your readers/customers, then I suggest daily micro posts, which are sometimes even just a paragraph. Seth Godin writes a lot of micro blog posts.

If you want organic SEO traffic from the post, then it has to be a cornerstone post. Google will not put a blog post on the first page of search results if it is any less than 2,500 words. But cornerstone posts are more than just word-heavy. They also involve having internal links, external links and many other technical things you need to do the post. I don’t recommend for your first blog post as it takes time to master.

How to Write Your First Blog Posthow to write a blog post

So, what’s your blog about?

Let’s say it is about dogs. If you just want to write about something current, go to Google Trends, type in “dog” and see what searches come up as “rising” searches. I did this and saw the rising search “Can Dogs Eat Raw Chicken?”. Therefore, maybe a good blog post would be to write about all of the foods that dogs cannot have.

How to Write a Blog Post Fast

A suggestion I give to a lot of my clients who want to use blogging as a form of marketing, but they are not writers, is to simply post a roundup or curated list of either other people’s blog posts or interesting facts from their industry. I find when I do not have time to come up with something original, I will post a Marketing Roundup of 5 things I found interesting this week in terms of product trends or marketing tips or industry news.

Make Your Post Unique

Now you have to do your research. Likely, someone has written about this topic, so you need to add your own twist. So, maybe you give your list, date it the current year so readers know it is very current, and maybe you extend it to add things such as plants and flowers that dogs can’t eat. Then, maybe you also create a printable of the list that customers can download and print. Make sure the download has your blog identity on it!

Formatting Your Blog Post

The key with an engaging writing style is:

  • Use headers for sections
  • Use lots of point form
  • Avoid using long paragraphs
  • Include photos
  • Include graphics for pinning and posting to social media
  • Include informative links to other sites (make sure they open in a new window)
  • Bold certain words

The truth is, people will likely skim your post. These tips are easy ways to make sure that the points that are the most important stand out to readers.

Internal Blog Links

A lot of blog themes will mention your past blog posts to readers at the bottom, but most blog writers know how important it is to simply link to those posts within a new post. For example, I am writing this post about Writing a Blog Post, but I might also might want to mention how writing a blog differs depends on what your business is and refer to Creative Blog Posts If You Offer Professional Services. By linking in another blog post of mine, that has to do with writing a blog post, greatly helps the Google SEO ranking, especially if it is a cornerstone post.

Use Your Thesaurus

When you know the topic of your blog post, determine your main keywords, and then make a list of synonyms. Google loves synonyms. For example, instead of repeating “writing” all the time, I could also use “authoring” “composing” “creating” throughout the post. Instead of just saying “blog post” I could also use “article” “content”.

You could also type your proposed blog post title into Google, and then at the bottom of the page you will see Google’s “Searches Related to”. If you can get a few of those search phrases into the context of the blog post, this will help your Google SEO ranking as well.

Get Blog Inspiration

Make a list of blogs you like, and then take note of what it is you like about their posts. Bring these features into your posts, whether it is how they sign off, the creativity of their topics or how they format their writing.

End with a Call to Action

Let’s be honest, you are not writing a blog post just for fun. You are likely writing a blog post to drive sales, whether you are selling a product or service. So end the blog post with a call to action. It can be as simple as simply asking new readers to follow your blog. Or it can be to check out a new product of yours or ask you a question about one of your services.

Proof Your Post

Most blog themes will have a spell check, but you also need to review for grammar and flow, and make sure all links work.

Publish Your Blog Post

Hitting “publish” is always scary, but if you see a typo you missed, you can quickly go back in, edit and resave the post before anyone notices!

Share Your Blog Post

This is the most important point. How do you share?

  • Email to your followers (this can be automatic through WordPress or an app like Sumo)
  • Post to Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Facebook.
  • Post to Facebook groups and group Pinterest boards.
  • Post to blog sharing sites like BlogLovin‘ (be sure to follow my blog on BlogLovin’).
  • Publish to sites like Reddit and Digg.

How Often to Post

When I first started blogging way back in 2012, it was a general assumption that you needed to post everyday. Thankfully, this is no longer the case. It is better to post a quality post once a week, or you could do the strategy of micro posts every day. But you will find that your audience might tire of always hearing from you. You don’t want them to forget you either, so right now try to stick with once a week.

Blog Post Audit

Every few months, take a look at your old blog posts and do an audit. You want to update any information that is now obsolete, improve upon graphics, check that all links are working, and reshare.

Turn Regular Posts Into Cornerstone Content

Remember how I said earlier that creating a cornerstone post is a lot of work? Well, a good strategy is to gradually create a cornerstone post by going back over your 300 word posts and expanding up them. Try to add another 300 words every week, and in no time it will be long enough to be a cornerstone post.

Another option would be to merge two or more blog posts together to create a cornerstone post. The posts can still function in their original form, but just merge them into a new one for a cornerstone post.

Need a Blog Post Template and Planner?

I hope this post has helped you discover how to write a blog post. If you need more help, as well as a detailed “Before You Publish Checklist” and “Blog Audit Checklist”, check out my Complete Blog Planner or my Blog Post Planner planner pdf printable

© 2020 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. How to Write a Blog Post. 

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