Small Business Marketing Strategist

Category: My Marketing Advice (Page 14 of 26)

The Single Most Obvious Way to Increase Your Sales


When it comes to increasing your sales, there are many options you have including spending more on marketing, adding more products, raising your prices, but the single, most obvious one is increasing your traffic.


How to Increase Your Sales

For example, let’s say that in 2021 your sales were $60,000, and this year you would like sales to be $120,000. Therefore, it makes sense that if you want your sales to double, your traffic needs to double, all other things staying the same.

Let’s say your overall website traffic is currently 20,000 visitors a month, so now it has to grow to 40,000 visitors a month.

How to Grow Your Traffic

So, how do you grow your traffic?

Well, if the majority of your traffic is coming from Google and you are currently spending $500 a month on Google ads, then it would make sense that you need to double your Google ad spending to $1,000 (again, this is just a simplistic solution; maybe you can spend the same amount and just improve upon your keywords).

What if the majority of your traffic is coming from social media sites? Then you need to double your time spent marketing on social media as well as try to double your followers.

If you currently have back links to your shop from 10 different sources that are consistently driving traffic, then maybe you need to double your backlinks to 20.

In layman terms, essentially everything you are doing in terms of generating traffic needs to double, if this is your sales objective.

As I said, this is the single, most obvious way to increase your sales. It is not the only solution, but it is a good benchmark to start with.

If your business is struggling, check out my Marketing Consultations.




© 2016 -2022 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

How to Price Your Products to Appeal to the Gift Market

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

I often see people offering $20 necklaces for Mother’s Day and I sort of cringe. Now, I would expect a $20 necklace from my 13 year-old son for Mother’s Day, but I’m not going to buy a $20 necklace for my mother, it just feels too cheap. I realize some people are on tight budgets, but gifts take on a life of their own as everyone has a price point they feel is appropriate. If you are positioning an item as a potential gift, you may want to know some stats about the average prices people spend, so you are pricing your products for the correct gift giver.


How to price your products for the gift market

Grad Gift Pricing

The National Retail Federation said that college graduation gifts hit a new high last year to an average price of $102.50. Now, this price is a range covering parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc., and you can safely assume that parents will spend the most.

Valentine’s Day Gift Pricing

The National Retail Federation also indicated that the average price spent on a Valentine’s gift in 2015 was $146.84, and that men tend to spend more on the gift than women do.

Wedding Gift Pricing

Again, I often see $25 products being positioned as a wedding gift and I think no way. According to American Express people will spend $179 on a close family member’s wedding gift, $119 on a close friend’s, $114 on a relative’s, $79 on a friend’s, and $66 on a coworker’s for an average of $108.

Anniversary Gift Pricing

Now, what about anniversary gifts? According to research done by the Daily Mail, couples spend on average $170 on the first anniversary, $173 on the 10th anniversary, $242 on the 25th anniversary and $208 on the 40th anniversary. Again, this is couples buying for each other, not children buying for parents. 

Baby Shower Gift Pricing

The consensus at the blog, Baby Center suggests that the average amount spent on a baby shower gift is $20 to $25 for a co-worker or acquaintance, $50 for a close friend, or $100 for a best friend or family member (or a group gift).

Kids Birthday Party Gift Pricing

According to Learnvest, most people spend $10 to $20 on gifts for regular classmates but $20 to $25 for your child’s closest friends (at the elementary school level).

Teacher Gift Pricing

The price spent on a teacher’s gift does vary according to a person’s budgets, but Parenting magazine says the range for teacher’s gifts is $20 to $75.

This why many people avoid trying to target an individual or occasion altogether and will simply have shop categories entitled: Gifts $10 to $25, Gifts $25 to $50, Gifts $50+ and so forth.

A Real World Pricing Example

I wanted to buy a birthstone necklace for my 16 year-old daughter’s birthday and price was one factor I searched on. I wasn’t even considering any necklace under $50 because it didn’t feel special enough for a 16th birthday. I also didn’t want to go too much over $125 because she is only 16. Therefore, this became my search: “birthstone necklaces $50 to $125″. These are things you need to think about this when targeting a specific gift giver.

Trending This Week

  • May 13 – #NationalApplePieDay, #Fridaythe13th
  • May 14 – #SaturdayWellSpent
  • May 15 – #NBAPlayoffs
  • May 16 – #NationalLoveATreeDay, #MondayBlogs
  • May 17 – #TuesdayTip
  • May 18 – #WednesdayAfternoons
  • May 19 – #NationalDevilsFoodCakeDay, #ThursdayThoughts


Feel free to share this post, and if your business is struggling, check out my very affordable Marketing Services.

© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

How to Create a Need for Your Products

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

Are you effectively creating a need for your products and/or services? A good rule of thumb is to always think who, what, when, where, how, why. So who would need your product, what would they use it for, when would they use it, where would they use it, how would they use it and why would they use it.

Below are two product copy examples that I will enhance, in order to create the need.


Home Product Copy Example

Take a look at this description from ModCloth (who writes product copy really well) for this 5′ x 6′ beach wall tapestry:

how to create a need for your productsPut your longing for the wash of waves at ease with this oceanic tapestry by Lisa Argyropoulos for DENY Designs. Crystalline water sparkles under a beautifully clouded sky, bringing beachy beauty – and the carefree feeling that comes along with it – to your decor!

Now this is great for capturing the feeling of the product and creating desire. But remember, people don’t just buy products because they like them, they buy because they need them, so you need to create a need. Therefore, I would simply add a closing line that helps the reader visualize how they would use the product, hence identifying a need.

Therefore, I would add this as the last line:

Perfect for apartment dwellers, creating a focal wall or even as a very serene headboard.

As you can see, I gave three potential uses for the item. Even if one of these isn’t your particular need, chances are it could spark one you do have. Buyers can get gun-shy after they buy clothing items they never wear, a decor item they just couldn’t make fit, etc. So you want to ease the purchase decision by giving them ideas in advance.

Jewelry Product Copy Example

Urban Outfitters is another online store that writes copy really well. Here is their description for a black choker:

Screen shot 2016-05-03 at 9.02.14 AMOur must-have styling tip this season is a wide banded choker necklace and this iteration is essential. Chic choker in a sultry gauzy chiffon complete with a lobster clasp closure + extender chain in an antique distressed finish.

So this is effective in that it quickly tells you this is a hot trend and stylishly describes the features. However, not everyone is fashion savvy.

Therefore I would add this line at the end:

This versatile choker looks great layered with other necklaces or on its own with everything from a little black dress to a t-shirt and jeans.

It is also only $22, so another approach would be to say:

An inexpensive way to instantly update your summer wardrobe with one of the hottest trends. 

As you can see, when you create both the desire and the need, you are more likely to get a sale.

Hire Me

Need help with your product descriptions? I have been writing marketing and advertising copy for 20 years, so just email me at for a FREE, no obligation quote on your writing project.


A quick shout out to one of my customers, Design by Gam, whose bracelets were featured last week on PeopleStyleWatch. I love Gam’s message to me – which will help all of you – of how I always told her that she needed at least one of her product shots on a white background in order to get chosen for editorial such as this, and it worked!

Trending This Week

  • May 3 – #TuesdayThoughts, #TeacherAppreciationDay
  • May 4 – #StarWarsDay, #WednesdayWisdom
  • May 5 – #ThursdayFeeling, #CincoDeMayo
  • May 6 – #NBAPlayoffs, #NationalBeverageDay
  • May 7 – #SaturdayKitchen, #NBAPlayoffs, #KentuckyDerby
  • May 8 – #SundayBrunch, #CoconutCreamPieDay, #MothersDay
  • May 9 – #MondayMotivation

© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

Avoid These Product Copy Mistakes

PRODUCT copy mistakesAvoid these product copy mistakes!

One product copy mistake that I see online shops making over and over again is really long, overly complicated descriptions. The standard format that most online shops adhere to (and that Google likes) is an opening paragraph that is descriptive, enticing and creates a need followed by bullet points highlighting the main features (the exception being Etsy, who doesn’t support bullet points).

You do not need 10 paragraphs to describe a $40 necklace. Now, I don’t mind a bit of a back story about the motivation behind the product, but don’t go on and on trying too hard to get the sale or use overly descriptive, flowery language that makes the reader roll their eyes.

Here is a good example of product copy that gets right to the point:

‘I Love Mom’ Pearl Pendant Necklace

An elegant freshwater pearl illuminates a delicate, handcrafted pendant necklace designed to celebrate the special bond between you and your mother. Surprise her with this meaningful, wear-with-everything style to make this Mother’s Day one to remember.product copy mistakes

  • 18″ length.
  • Lobster clasp closure.
  • Pearl size: 8 mm.
  • Sterling silver/freshwater pearl.
  • Handcrafted in the USA.
  • Item ships in a gift box.

This is a perfect description for a $40 necklace. I don’t need to know the history of the freshwater pearl or how the pearl was cultivated or how this necklace is going to make me feel when I give it to my mother. Sometimes it is better to K-I-S-S.

I also really detest how most shops write their listing titles on Etsy (Amazon is guilty of this as well) starting with these endless strings of keywords that don’t even make sense. It is a poor attempt to keyword stuff and it doesn’t work.

Simply state what the product is with a few descriptive keywords as in the example above, otherwise you are just confusing the customer. Remember, you are trying to establish a brand and you want to protect it with a professional, clear descriptive product title, not a mishmash of keywords.

By the way, I do offer a product description writing service

About Me

Do you need your Brand Story written or an SEO-Optimized Blog Post or a Personalized Business Consultation? As a 20+ year marketing professional and small business consultant, all of my services are super affordable.product copy mistakes

I have consulted for thousands of small businesses since 2012, and my advice has been featured in the NY Times, Success Magazine, Yahoo Business, American Express, Big Commerce, Business2Community to name a few – so this is professional advice you can trust!

My Publicity Pitch service has also gotten my clients featured in Real Simple Magazine, Apartment Therapy, House Beautiful, Vanity Fair, Houzz, Martha Stewart, Glamour Magazine, LONNY, DesignMilk, Emmaline Bride,– just to name a few.

More Articles




© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Product copy mistakes. 

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

Happy National Deep Dish Pizza Day! There really is a national day for everything, isn’t there? Here are some other marketing tips you may find helpful for your online shop.

marketing tips

Product Photos

Screen shot 2016-04-04 at 6.22.06 PMOne tip I always give in my Marketing Ebooks is that when shooting your products be sure to show their purpose. In other words, don’t just show a bowl, show a bowl full of something so that potential customers immediately get a purpose for the bowl. Don’t just show a bracelet, show the bracelet on a model or with other bracelets of yours (to upsell more) or with outfit ideas, and so forth. Customers are more likely to look at photos than read the copy, so use your photos to put these “reasons to buy” in their head.

Drunk Online Shopping

Have you heard about “Sip and Click? A new report from Lyst (an e-commerce site) shows a huge spike in women’s online shopping habits late on Friday evenings resulting in 48 percent more orders Saturday at 2 a.m. when compared to Monday night sales. It seems that after 1 a.m., the dollar value of the order goes up 40 percent compared to that same time on a Monday night. The feeling is this spike is due to women going online after having a few drinks and, as such, have more “relaxed” shopping habits. Now, I am not saying to take advantage of these women, but it is good to know that late into Friday evenings a lot of women (not all drunk) are online shopping so you may want to tailor your social media postings for these times.

Social Media Demographics

Who are you trying to reach on social media? According to a new report from Social Media Today, if you want to reach the 18 to 24 age group, SnapChat should be your number one social site as it completely dominates this segment. 25 to 34-year olds rank Instagram as #1, ages 35 to 44 favor Pinterest, for 45 to 54 it is LinkedIN, and for 55+ it is Facebook.

Sales Conversion Rates

While time spent on mobile continues to exceed time spent on desktop (67% vs 21%) according to the Social Media Today report above, a new report from Monetate shows that sales conversion of people shopping online via desktop is 3 times what it is on mobile. In the last quarter of 2015, online shopping from a desktop had a conversion rate of 4.43% while online shopping from a mobile phone had a sales conversion rate of just 1.53%. So do not eliminate all of your desktop advertising just yet.

Trending This Week

  • April 5 – #NationalDeepDishPizzaDay, #TuesdayTreatScreen shot 2016-04-04 at 7.26.38 PM
  • April 6 – #WednesdayWant
  • April 7 – #MastersWeek
  • April 8 – #NationalBeerDay
  • April 9 – #Caturday, #SaturdaySwag
  • April 10 – #NationalSiblingsDay
  • April 11 – #NationalPetDay

BONUS TIP: Be sure to update your email signature with any monthly promotions or Mother’s Day offers if you haven’t already.

New Service!

My Quick Fix is perfect for those of you on a tight budget. With my Quick Fix ($19), I will examine your online shop and identify 3 things you need to do/change/fix to drive more traffic and get more sales. If you would like a more extensive evaluation with detailed, step by step recommendations, then check out my Online Shop Critique ($129).

© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

My Marketing Tips for Online Shops for the Week of January 26th – Pinterest Edition

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

Good Tuesday everyone (“Good Tuesday” is a phrase that trends big on Twitter on Tuesdays). Here is a quick run down of what you need to think about this week to market and promote your online shop.


Pinterest Trends

Did you know that Pinterest has a board that highlights the top trending searches so far for 2016? Follow it here at PinPicks: Ideas to Try in 2016. It is a great way to get inspiration for new products. Look for a surge in Pinterest searches over the next two weeks for Superbowl Food, Superbowl Snacks, Superbowl Party, Superbowl Desserts and Snack Stadium (look it up) so try and take advantage to draw interest to your shop. 

Product Photography Made Easy

I mentioned Creative Market a while back on my blog and I can’t encourage you enough to check them out. One of their best deals has to be their photography layouts. For example, if you sell art or home décor and can’t afford to do a fancy vignette photo shoot, you can simply buy one of theirs and drop your products in. Check out this value pack from We Lived Happily Ever After on Creative Market with 12 stunning mockups for just $30.

Upcoming Opportunities

Historically, searches for graduation gifts gain momentum in March, increase further in April and then peak in May, which can be too late for some online shops. So start sending out emails for grad gifts to your customers starting in mid March (add a graduation cap emoji in the subject line to really get attention), and if you can prep a special product for this year’s graduates, even better.

Searches for everything prom-related (clothing, shoes, beauty, services, etc.) actually peak in February and March, so this is another category you can be promoting now.

Trending This Week

  • January 27 – National Chocolate Cake Day
  • January 28 – National Have Fun at Work Day
  • January 28 – #republicandebate
  • January 29 – National Puzzle Day
  • January 30 & 31 – NHL All-Star Game
  • January 31 – National Backward Day
  • January 31 – Grease: Live! on Fox
  • February 1 – National Freedom Day (from slavery)
  • February 1 – #TheBachelor
  • February 2 – Groundhog Day

Get My EXCLUSIVE Pinterest Tip!

I have discovered a secret about Pinterest that will get your pins seen by more Pinterest users, get more of your pins shared and drive more traffic to your shop. Simply follow me on Facebook and share this post with your followers, then email me at when you have and I will let you in on the secret!

More Links to Click

© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

My Marketing Tips for Your Online Shop for the Week of January 19th – Spring Publicity Edition

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

January is in full swing, so what opportunities are there for driving traffic to your online shop this week?

PR Opportunities

You need to always be pitching story ideas to the media, and since blogs work about one to two months in advance, some editorial topics they may be working on include:

  • Superbowl parties
  • Mardi Gras celebrations
  • Fashion Week trends
  • Valentine’s Day gift ideas
  • Spring break fashion
  • Spring vacation ideas

Magazines work on lead times of 4 to 5 months, so that means right now they are cultivating editorial for May issues, such as:

  • Mother’s Day gift ideas
  • Spring decorating
  • Spring fashion
  • Spring entertaining
  • Spring organization
  • Summer vacation ideas
  • Memorial Day entertaining
  • Gardening ideas
  • Outdoor living decor

Trending This Week

Try to post images, quotes or comments on social media for the following pop culture events this week:

  • January 19 – National Popcorn Day
  • January 19 to 31 – Australian Open Tennis
  • January 20 – National Cheese Lover’s Day
  • January 21 – National Hugging Day
  • January 21 – Get to Know Your Customers Day
  • January 22 – National Pie Day
  • January 23 – New zodiac sign starts for Aquarius
  • January 24 – NFL Playoffs
  • January 24 – National Peanut Butter Day
  • January 25 – National Opposite Day

Hot Hashtags

Every day new trending hashtags tend to pop up that people are searching on, so take advantage when posting on social media of these ones:

  • #FrantasticMonday
  • #MondayMotivation
  • #TuesdayTips
  • #ThursdayHumour
  • #SaturdayReads
  • #SundaySips


Are you running Facebook ads? If so, schedule them only to run on the most popular times on Facebook, such as noon on weekends (EST), 3 to 4 pm on Wednesdays and 1 pm to 4 pm Thursdays and Fridays. It will save you some money and you might get better results. Remember to select desktop newsfeed, mobile newsfeed and Instagram ads if you have an Instagram account.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest for more tips and advice.

© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

3 Marketing Resolutions for 2016 If You Sell Online

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

Happy New Year!

The start of a new year is always a good time to reevaluate how your online business did last year and what changes you need to make.

One of the most common issues I find with a lot of small business owners is the hesitation to invest in the marketing and promotion of your business. The honest truth is, you do have to spend money to make money, and there is only so much you can do for free before sales peak and then flatline.

There is also hesitation to try something new. Even if things are not working, people will still continue to employ the same marketing tactics. Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Don’t fall into that trap.

Therefore, if there are 3 things I can recommend to you that will make a difference in the success of your online business in 2016, they are as follows:

1. Advertise

Advertising is still the most effective way to drive buyers to your shop, but not all mediums are effective for everyone. I would definitely recommended starting with Google Adwords/ Sponsored Ads. They are affordable as you set the budget, and you can cancel at anytime. I have personally seen that small independent shops who ran Google ads did appear on the first page of results and did have excellent sales as a result.

But if Google is still not for your budget, there are also Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest ads, running ads on popular blogs, as well as print ads in your local media.

2. Sell Other Places

Again, one sales site should never account for 100% of your business, because if it goes down, your business goes down. On my Facebook page today I just posted a news release from Amazon stating that they sold over 23 million items on Cyber Monday, showing how they continue to dominate the e-commerce space. Now, Amazon does take a  higher percentage, but you have to weigh that against a potentially higher sales volume. My point is, they aren’t going anywhere so maybe it is time to give them a try.

I also recommended Gumroad a little while back if you wish to sell right from your blog or website. Very affordable and easy to use, so why not?

While retail does appear to be suffering, the big chains like Wal-mart and Target are still doing great retail sales, and both have programs for indie shops to sell their wares in local stores (not nationwide). Plus, after seeing Amazon’s domination online, don’t be surprised if they both beef up their e-commerce sites and start offering “handmade” or “indie” marketplaces.

3. Innovate

I have always said that if you really want to get publicity for your business, it helps to come up with one product that is strictly for PR purposes, much like Victoria’s Secret Million Dollar Fantasy Bra (only one available each year, and it never seems to sell). Lately, I have been telling a lot of my clients that they need to think of how they can capitalize on the summer Olympics coming up in Brazil this August. Whether it is a product that celebrates patriotic pride or one that highlights Brazil’s culture or a popular summer sport, editors of magazines, blogs and newspaper will be hungry for all types of Olympic-related content starting as early as May.

As always, I appreciate it when you share my content and blog with others, so please use the sharing icons below and leave me your comments as well. Thanks for reading! Gail

© 2016 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

My Marketing Tips for Your Online Shop for the Week of December 21st – Christmas Edition

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

First of all I have to congratulate one of my clients, Nadine Savino, creator of The GCap, for appearing on Good Morning America this week and presenting her invention to Joy Mangano (the momtrepreneur whom the movie, Joy, is based on). Be sure to check out Nadine’s appearance here. The GCap is a reusable, stretchable bottle cap for kids drinks. Nadine also received a $10,000 check to help further her business. Congratulations, Nadine!

The week of Christmas can be one of the the slowest for an online shop so I don’t expect you to be doing too much this week, but here are some things you may want to do, if you have the time.

8 Ideas for Shop Promotion This Week

  1. If you have a blog, come up with your own “Best of 2015” list and promote the post on all of your social media sites.
  2. Add a section to your shop that is entitled “Up to 50% Off”.
  3. Email a link to the shop section above to all customers (after Christmas), along with wishes for a Happy 2016!
  4. Find a three-word keyword phrase that describes your most popular item and run a Google Adwords ad based on this phrase, just for a month.
  5. Review your shop traffic statistics and invest more time and effort in the top three traffic sources.
  6. Go through all of your social media followers lists and follow back anyone who is following you.
  7. Post to social media an animated (gif) holiday greeting. There are some free ones here.
  8. Hot trending topics on social media this week: First day of winter (Dec 22), start of Capricorn (Dec 23), Christmas (Dec 25), National Pumpkin Pie Day (Dec 25), National Candy Cane Day (Dec 26).

Have a wonderful holiday, and if you haven’t done it yet, be sure to check out my new site, and follow on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

© 2015 Gail Oliver, Attention Getting Marketing. All rights reserved.


4 Proven Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Store


proven ways to drive traffic to your online storeThe #1 problem my e-commerce clients have is driving traffic to their store, particular Shopify stores as there is no marketplace structure like Etsy.

So, this is why I came up with my  12-Month Marketing Strategy Plans. These printable downloads give you a one-page tactical marketing plan for every month of the year – all in all 300+ proven, actionable tactics that will drive more traffic to your Shopify, Amazon or Etsy store. PLUS, they are specific to what you sell.

Here are four ideas from the plans:

1. Free Local Publicity to Get Local Traffic

Everyone always wants a worldwide audience, but the truth is, your local market is a viable one and likely more inclined to buy from you. Buying local has been a hot selling point for awhile now, and will continue to be given the current situation.

So get to know your newspaper’s business reporters and take advantage of two big PR opportunities each year for local businesses:

  • National Small Business Week (the first week of May).
  • Small Business Saturday (the Saturday after the US Thanksgiving holiday).

Pitch the reporter a story idea about six weeks prior and they might go for it, bringing you some new local customers, plus publicity always give you instant credibility. Also, the reporter will likely come back to you again and again for a sound bite on other online business articles.

2. Get Traffic from Competitors’ Social Media

Have you ever gone over to your competitors’ social media accounts and looked at their followers list? Simply follow their followers as they are potential customers for you.

This holds the same for the big retailers who sell what you sell; simply follow their followers.

If your social media bio clearly states what you sell, with a link to your shop, it could help to drive more traffic as most people will look at their followers’ list, see your name, be curious and click over to your profile. Tedious, but it works.

3. Form Alliances To Get Their Traffic

We are not talking Survivor here, but one of those “if you scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours”. Simply find a few non-competitive businesses whose customers are also your customers and then discuss how you can help each other, including:

  • Can you run ads on their blog if they do the same for you?
  • Can you give them a shoutout on social media if they do the same for you?
  • Can you mention them in your customer newsletters if they do the same for you?
  • Can you put their flyers in your customer packages if they do the same for you?
  • Can you share a booth at a craft fair or farmer’s market?

(Note, these last two are better for businesses in your city).

For example, if you sell art or photography, form a marketing alliance with a framing company. If you sell jewelry, partner with someone who sells purses or other fashion accessories. One alliance could double your traffic.

4. Bring in Traffic from Blog Sharing Sites

The key here to driving traffic to your store is to use popular blog sharing sites.

Simply set up a simple blog using the free WordPress site. Do not make it part of your shop, but a standalone blog that links to your shop (like I do with this blog).

Then sign up with the free blog sharing sites such as BlogLovin‘ (10 million users), Blogarama, Feedspot, and you will quickly get followers, especially if you follow people who seem like your ideal customer (based on the blogs they follow).

Just write a simple blog post once a week on a topic related to what you sell, and always reference and link to your store at the end. It is an easy and free way to drive traffic.

Want 300+ More Ways to Drive Traffic?Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Store

My ready-to-download 12-Month Marketing Strategy Plans have 300+ of my proven, actionable tactics to drive more traffic to your Shopify or Etsy store, PLUS they are specific to what you sell:

© 2020 Gail Oliver, Attention Getting Marketing. All rights reserved.

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