Small Business Marketing Strategist

Category: My Marketing Advice (Page 10 of 26)

Tips to Make Your Product Photos More Effective

Do you find that people don’t read anymore? I have purposely been trying to make my blog posts shorter and use more bullet points because today’s society has no time to read, even if it is useable information.

However, people will look at photos. So a tip that I always give my e-commerce clients, is to use their product photos more effectively – with headlines, size scales and flyouts that point out key features. The goal is to treat each product photo like an ad. I found some good examples on Amazon.

Add Headlines to Photos

Adding a headline to a product photo can be very effective. For example, take a look at this photo from O Naturals:

tips for making product photos more effective

Now, even this might be too much text on one photo, but it is the right idea to make headings out of the main things a customer would want to know. I would actually consider making each of these points a single headline on six different photo slides.

Add Size Scales to Photos

Have you ever had someone return an item because it ended up not being the size they thought. I saw this photo from a company called Aienid and thought they did a pretty good job of answering all size questions (among other things, such as the closure), right in the photo:

tips for making product photos more effective

Add Flyouts to Photos

Flyouts that zero in on certain features on the product itself, are also a good idea, as seen in this product photo from dog collar company, Kurgo:

tips for making product photos more effective

Now, always leave one product photo with no text on it for editorial purposes, but otherwise, start taking the text from your descriptions and add it to your photos to see if it results in more sales conversions and fewer returns.

Also to Read:




©2019 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Tips Product Photography.

Etsy Holiday Marketing Tips

by Gail Oliver

It’s that time of year! My Etsy 2019 Holiday Planner is just out and this year it is bigger and better than ever!

Featuring 23 jam-packed pages of ideas, inspiration, trends, advice, SEO research, worksheets, planner pages and much much more so that your shop can really maximize holiday sales! Below is a sneak peak with three hot tips from the planner.

    • SEO: Did you know that searches for red dresses, red shoes, red jewelry, red tablecloths and red nail polish are highest in November and December? So take advantage of searches for this holiday color and maybe even add a red product into your product line.
    • Promoted Listings: Do not run Etsy Promoted Listings on every item in your shop. For example, do not run them on seasonal items such as spring items, Easter items, etc. Also, do not run them on listings that have a sales conversion rate of less than 1% (divide orders by visits). As you are paying for clicks, if there is a low chance the click will result in a sale, your ad results will not be as successful.
    • Memorable Package Inserts: In each product package include a beautifully printed recipe card that has a Christmas cookie recipe on it. Make sure it also has your shop information on the back or at the bottom. This way when the customer pulls this recipe out every Christmas, they will remember your shop!

Other Holiday Posts…

© 2019 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

Hot Sales Opportunity: Retirement Gifts

by Gail Oliver

What business doesn’t love gift buyers as customers? Therefore, do you want to know what one of the fastest rising gift segments is, one that you might not be targeting? Retirement gifts!

That’s right, there are 10,000 Americans retiring EVERY day. Searches for retirement gifts have been on the uprise, currently at 27,100 monthly searches on Google alone, and the searches always tend to peak in May (maybe due to the fact this is the time of year that teachers retire?).

A lot of retirement gift searches are profession-based and a lot are gender based, as you will see from the search results below.

Top Searches for Retirement Gifts

  • Unique retirement gifts for her
  • Retirement gifts for coworker
  • Etsy retirement gifts
  • Amazon retirement gifts
  • Nurse retirement gifts
  • Military retirement gifts
  • DIY retirement gifts
  • Police retirement gifts
  • Retirement gifts for dad
  • Teacher retirement gifts
  • Retirement gifts for women
  • Funny retirement gifts

Top Retirement Gift Searches for Women

  • Jewelry
  • Books
  • Wine Glasses
  • Mugs

Top Retirement Gift Searches for Men

  • Keychains
  • Hats
  • Tshirts
  • Mugs
  • Anything to do with fishing or golf

Now, if they are looking for a retirement gift, it is likely because there is a retirement party. So here are some other popular retirement products searches below, they you may also want to consider.

Other Retirement Product Searches

  • Retirement party invitations
  • Retirement cards
  • Retirement party decorations (sashes & tiaras are big)
  • Retirement tshirts
  • Retirement banners
  • Retirement clipart
  • Retirement quotes & sayings

It will be another 10 years before all of the baby boomer generation retires, so this market will be viable for a long time.

© 2019 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

400 Best Instagram Captions, Selfie Quotes & More for Your Pictures

by Gail Oliver, Online Marketing Consultant

instagram captions and selfie quotes

Instagram Captions

Everyone focuses on the pictures, but the truth is, the captions on your Instagram photos can be just as powerful. So here are some of the best Instagram captions, selfie quotes for your pictures.

By the way, be sure to download my ⭐Best Selling 365 Social Media Post Ideas for 2022!

Clever, fun, witty and even the simpliest of Instagram captions can help complete what you are trying to convey with your Instagram post. The caption shows your personality and helps to engage followers. Take note of the ones you like and respond it, and keep a running list.

Don’t forget, every week Instagram does their Weekly Hashtag Project with a photo challenge. If they like your,

In this blog post, I will help you to understand what an Instagram caption is, why you need one, as well as some tips for writing the best Instagram captions. Plus, I include a mega list of the very best Instagram captions you can use for your media ideas 365

So What’s an Instagram Caption?

An Instagram caption is a written description or explanation about the Instagram photo to provide more context. Instagram captions can include emojis, hashtags, and tags.

How To Write Your Instagram Captions
1. Always Engage with Readers
instagram selfie quotes

How to Caption Your Photos

Posts with the most engagement tend to have Instagram captions that ask for something. You might ask for friend tags such as “tag a friend who’d love this t-shirt.” You could also use your Instagram caption to ask a question such as “What do you think of this look?” And of course, you can ask for a purchase by asking people to click the link in the bio. By asking for something, you engage your audience and strengthen your relationship to them. All good Instagram captions get people talking, sharing, or buying. This Instagram quote from the Spruce above is a good one.

2. What’s the Instagram Caption Character Limit?

The Instagram caption character limit is 2,200 characters or around 330 words. Sometimes shorter is better and makes more of an impact. It also depends on the photo you are posting, but don’t drone on unless you have something interesting to say.

3. Don’t Forget the Emojis

Emojis emphasize your caption and add a little color and fun. They might even draw more attention to it. But don’t overdo the emojis (or the hashtags for that matter). Less is more.

Ultimately, coming up with the caption is harder than coming up with the image. So much pressure! But once you know the mood or effect you want to create, you can easily come up with the best Instagram captions selfie quotes to see what works best for your Instagram picture. For more ideas, be sure to follow Instagram for Business on Instagram.

instagram captions and selfie quotes

Funny Instagram Captions

430 of the Best Instagram Captions for Your Pictures
 Short Instagram Quotes
  1. See the Good, Be the Good
  2. Expect Nothing, Appreciate Everything
  3. Don’t be the same be better.
  4. Go wild for a while.
  5. Shine your light.
  6. Wake your dreams.
  7. Change is good
  8. Count your blessings
  9. Learn from yesterday.
  10. Feed your soul.
  11. Be sure to also read: What to Post to Instagram in March

Single Word Captions
  1. Ineffable (means too great to be expressed in words).
  2. Serenity (means peaceful).
  3. Ethereal (means extremely delicate, light, not of this world).ready made marketing plans
  4. Petrichor (means the pleasant, earthy smell after rain).
  5. Epiphany (means a moment of sudden revelation).
  6. Solitude (means a state of seclusion or isolation).
  7. Aurora (means the dawn).
  8. Idyllic (means extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque).
  9. Euphoria (means a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness)
  10. Cherish(means to hold dear or cultivate with care and affection).

Selfie Instagram Captions and Quotes
  1. A smile is the pretty thing you can wear.
  2. Miles of smiles.
  3. Somebody loves you.
  4. Embrace your face.
  5. Less is more.
  6. Think for your selfie.
  7. Words won’t bring me down. .
  8. Love thyself.
  9. Smile its free.
  10. Find your selfie.
  11. Be sure to download my Best-Selling 365 Social Media Post Ideas!

Captions About Life
  1. Good things happen to those who hustle.
  2. Positive mind, positive vibes, positive life.
  3. Live with intention.
  4. Decisions determine destiny.
  5. Todays a gift.
  6. Good Times Ahead.
  7. Just Have Fun.
  8. Don’t Wait for Fate.
  9. Change Nothing, Nothing Changes.
  10. Someday is today.
  11. Be sure to also read: Free Business Card Templates


The Everygirl Instagram subtitles are usually pretty cool.

captions for Instagram pictures

Instagram Couple Captions 
  1. 90 percent of a relationship is deciding where to eat.
  2. Let’s Stay Home.
  3. Happy = You + Me
  4. The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.
  5. The ying to my yang.
  6. Lovin’ Love.
  7. Better Together.
  8. The King & Queen.
  9. Playmate, Roommate, Soulmate
  10. Loving you whether times are good or bad, happy or sad.
  11. Be sure to also read, What to Post to Social Media in January
Environmental Instagram Captions  
  1. Live with Less.
  2. Collect Moments, Not Things.
  3. Love the Planet.
  4. Keep Our Oceans Blue.
  5. The Solution Is Less Pollution.
  6. Get the Hint, Don’t Leave Your Footprint.
  7. Do Your Share for Cleaner Air.
  8. The Simple Life Causes Less Strife.
  9. Show Its Worth, Save the Earth.
  10. A World in Peace or a World in Pieces

Instagram Best Friend Captions
  1. In rain or in shine, you’ve stood by my side.
  2. If you’ve got troubles, I’ve got ’em too. There isn’t anything I wouldn’t do for you
  3. Find people who will make you better.
  4. Of all the blessings time bestows, there is none so precious as one true friend.
  5. That’s What Friends Are For.
  6. Hanging in the Friend Zone.
  7. Ain’t it good to know you’ve got a friend
  8. I met you as a stranger, took you as a friend.
  9. Although much time was gone, And the die of fate long cast; It was as if we hadn’t missed, A second of the past.
  10. Even on the darkest nights you are my brightest star.
  11. Be sure to also read, How to Create Social Media Posts Using Canva
Captions That Ask a Question
  1. What’s Your Weekend Plan?
  2. What is the One Thing You Want to Get Done Today?
  3. How’s Your Monday Going?
  4. Name One Thing That Makes You Happy.
  5. Having a Good Day?
  6. Who or What Inspires You Every day?
  7. How Do You Stay Positive?
  8. Name One Good Thing That Happened Today.
  9. What Place is on Your Bucket List/
  10. What Was Your Most Decadent Purchase?


Funny Instagram Captions
  1. I came I saw I forgot what I was doing.
  2. My house looks like I lost a game of Jumanji.
  3. I have no selfie control.
  4. Keep calm and take a selfie.
  5. I don’t sweat, I sparkle.
  6. How I feel when there is no coffee? Depresso.
  7. This may be the wine talking, but I really like wine.
  8. There is no “i” in “denial”.
  9. Instagram is just Twitter for people who go outside.
  10. Remember: as far as anyone knows, we are a nice, normal family.
  11. Be sure to download my Instagram Planner.instagram planner

Motivating Instagram Captions
  1. This is your life, this day is brand new, rise up to the adventure of what each moment brings to you.
  2. Do more things that make you forget to check your phone.
  3. You can never plan the future by the past.
  4. The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain (Dolly Parton).
  5. Don’t Count the Days, make the days count.
  6. Comparison is the thief of all joy.
  7. “Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is a gift of God, which is why we call it the present.” ― Bill Keane
  8. Be humble when times are good, confident when times are bad.
  9. Rejection is simply redirection.
  10. Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn.
  11. Be sure to also read, Does Your Business Need Multiple Instagram Accounts?
Instagram Captions for Summer
  1. I remember every moment of those endless summer nights
  2. A Midsummer Night’s Dream
  3. The sky had become a glistening tapestry of stars.
  4. It is almost impossible to watch a sunset and not dream.
  5. Knowing as we sit on that late, August eve, Summer’s ending, but her memory lives on.
  6. I got that summertime sadness.
  7. I feel it in the air, summer’s out of reach.
  8. The grass so green, the sun so bright. Life seems a dream, no worries in sight.
  9. Everybody’s happy, and the girls are fine, you already know it’s summertime!
  10. Good Times and Tan Lines.

Instagram Song Lyric Captions
  1. “A falling star fell from your heart and landed in my eyes / I screamed aloud, as it tore through them, and now it’s left me blind.” Florence And The Machine – Cosmic Love
  2. “I want you to lead me, take me somewhere. Don’t want to live in a dream one more day”. In Flames – Come Clarity.
  3. “So I’d give this word, just to dream a dream with you, on our bed of California stars”. Wilco & Billy Bragg – California Stars. 
  4. “Take your flame, ignite the world”. For Today – Seraphin.
  5. “The Future’s So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades”. Tibuk3
  6. “The Words of the Prophets Are Written on the Subway Walls”. Simon & Garfunkel – The Sound of Silence.
  7. “All My Lies are Always Wishes”. Wilco – Ashes of American Flags.
  8. “Our house is a very, very, very fine house with two cats in the yard
    Life used to be so hard. Now everything is easy ’cause of you”. Crosby, Stills & Nash – Our House.
  9. Be sure to also read, 8 Instagram Reel Ideas for Your Small Business
xsmall business social media planner
Instagram Captions for Traveling
  1. He travels fastest who travels alone
  2. A world away
  3. How’s the world treating you?
  4. Away we go
  5. Two for the road
  6. On the road again
  7. Life is a Highway
  8. On the road again
  9. Keep Calm and Travel on.
  10. Explore the world.

Instagram Captions When on Vacation
  1. Chillin like a villain
  2. Getting my vitamin sea
  3. And so the adventure begins
  4. Midnight in Paris
  5. Under the Tuscan Sun
  6. Yay I’m on vacay!
  7. No man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one.
  8. Life was meant for good friends and great adventures.
  9. The best things in life are the people we love, the places we’ve been, and the memories we’ve made along the way.
  10. Vacation Jubilation!
  11. Be sure to also read, Cute Instagram Captions for Selfies
Best Instagram Captions Selfie Quotes Wine
  1. I cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food.
  2. Does running out of wine count as cardio.
  3. Age and glasses of wine should never be counted.
  4. Unlike milk, it’s okay to cry over spilled wine.
  5. Pessimists see the glass as half empty. Optimists are already opening another bottle.
  6. 50 percent wondering if it is too late for coffee. 50 percent wondering if it is too early for wine.
  7. What wine goes best with eating my kids Halloween candy.
  8. This wine tastes a lot like I’m not working tomorrow.
  9. Winetime in the springtime.
  10. Red before bed, white at night and rose all day.

instagram quotes about wine

Girl Captions 
  1. It’s a girl thing.
  2. Cover girl.
  3. Home girl
  4. Working girl.
  5. This girl can do anything.
  6. This girl is one fire.
  7. Girls just want to have funds.
  8. A jealous woman does better research than the FBI.
  9. Eat diamonds for breakfast and shine all day.
  10. A girl should be like a butterfly. Pretty to see, hard to catch.
  11. Be sure to also read, Best Tips for Doing an Instagram Giveaway
Boy Instagram Captions 
  1. Let’s hear it for the boys.
  2. Boys of Summer.
  3. Boys will be boys.
  4. One of the boys
  5. This boy’s life.
  6. Planes trains trucks and toys, there’s nothing quite like little boys.
  7. Every puppy should have a boy.
  8. Young boys should never be sent to bed, they always wake up another day older.
  9. Being a mother of boys is hard work from son up to son down!
  10. Boys are God’s way of telling you that your house is too neat.

Instagram Food Captions
  1. If you don’t like tacos, I’m nacho type.
  2. If you were not meant to have midnight snacks, why is there a light in the fridge.
  3. A party without cake is just a meeting.
  4. I eat the broken cookies first because I feel sorry for them.
  5. I can’t turn water into wine but I can turn donuts into breakfast.
  6. Power is Pizza.
  7. Donut judge me.
  8. Drink. Repeat.
  9. This dish is delish.
  10. Milk, Salt, Meatballs & Fried Green Tomatoes. This isn’t what I’m eating, it’s the movies I’m watching.
  11. Be sure to download my Social Media Planner.

Captions about Coffee
  1. Be strong, I whisper to my coffee.
  2. May Your coffee be strong and your Mondays be short.
  3. Even bad coffee is better than no coffee at all.
  4. I would give up coffee but then things wouldn’t get done.
  5. You can’t buy happiness but you can buy coffee.
  6. The only pot of gold I need is the one that makes my coffee.
  7. Don’t look for love, look for coffee.
  8. Coffee is the adult sippy cup.
  9. A day without coffee is like… just kidding I have no idea.
  10. First I drink coffee, then I do things.

Readers Digest knows to keep their Instagram subtitle short and sweet.

instagram captions about coffee

Hello Goodbye Instagram Captions
  1. Wassup Wednesday?
  2. A Fond Farewell to Fall
  3. Adieu August
  4. Sayonara Summer
  5. Make My Monday
  6. Hello Beautiful….September!
  7. Welcome Back Summer!
  8. So Long Weekend, Until We Meet Again
  9. May Your May Be Awesome
  10. Falling for Fall

Instagram Captions About Love
  1. All, everything that I understand, I only understand because I love. (Leo Tolstoy).
  2. Love conquers all.
  3. Love is love is love is love.
  4. True love stories never have endings.
  5. True love is like a pair of socks you gotta have two and they’ve gotta match
  6. They say you only fall in love once, but that can’t be true. Every time I look at you, I fall in love all over again.
  7. Life is a game and true love is a trophy.
  8. F.L.Y. First Love Yourself. Others will come next.
  9. Never let a fool kiss you, or a kiss fool you.
  10. If you love someone, let them go. If they come back with coffee, it was meant to be.

 Attitude Captions for Instagram
  1. The day you plant the seed is not the day you eat the fruit.
  2. I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
  3. Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence.
  4. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world.
  5. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars.
  6. Be a beautiful cupcake in a world full of muffins.
  7. I’m actually a nice person…Until you piss me off.
  8. I’m smiling. That alone should scare you.
  9. Apparently I have an attitude. Who knew!
  10. I don’t have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem and that’s not my problem.

Optimistic Instagram Captions
  1. Stay Close To People Who Feel Like Sunshine
  2. When Things Change Inside You, Things Change Around You
  3. If you are part of the herd, you will never get heard.
  4. You are always one decision away from a totally different life.
  5. Difficult roads often lead to beautiful destinations.
  6. Life is short. Climb the mountain.
  7. Be the reason someone smiles today.
  8. Even the darkest night will end and the sun will rise.
  9. You did not wake up today to be mediocre.
  10. Your life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change.

Winter Instagram Captions
  1. The next forecast for salt and ice better be a margarita recipe.
  2. January is like Monday, but longer.
  3. Went outside today. It was cold. Zero stars. Do not recommend.
  4. Winter is not a season, it’s a celebration.
  5. Snowflakes are kisses from heaven.
  6. Looks like a hot chocolate kind of day.
  7. When life gives you snow, make snow angels.
  8. And the sky, is a hazy shade of winter.
  9. Literally chillin’.
  10. There is only snow much of winter I can take.

Dog Captions for Instagram
  1. It’s a dog’s life.
  2. Dog days of summer.
  3. Dog gone good.
  4. Be the person your dog thinks you are.
  5. Let sleeping dogs lie.
  6. A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.
  7. Happiness is a warm puppy.
  8. When I needed a hand, I found your paw.
  9. Everyone thinks they have the best dog. And none of them are wrong.
  10. Love is a four legged word.


Cat Captions for Instagram
  1. Its meow or never.
  2. Time spent with cats is never wasted.
  3. A cat will be your friend but never your slave.
  4. Happy Caturday
  5. If cats could talk, they wouldn’t
  6. People who don’t like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
  7. Be sure to also read, My Killer Instagram Tip
Kids Instagram Captions
  1. The soul is healed by being with children.
  2. Children see magic because they look for it.
  3. Only where children gather is there any real chance of fun.
  4. Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man.
  5. A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on.
  6. The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence


Funny Captions for Instagram Pictures
  1. The worst part of online shopping is getting up to get your credit card out of your purse.
  2. I never read, I just look at pictures.
  3. If things go wrong, don’t go with them.
  4. When people ask me stupid questions, it is my legal obligation to give a sarcastic remark.
  5. Unless your name is Google stop acting like you know everything.
  6. Always remember that you’re unique. Just like everyone else.
  7. I’ve got a good heart but this mouth…
  8. Cancel my subscription because I don’t need your issues.
  9. Speak english. Kiss french. Dress italian. Spend arab. Party caribbean.
  10. I really need a day between Saturday and Sunday.

I like how simple Bauble Bar kept this Instagram quote.

clever instagram captions

Caption Ideas for the Weekend
  1. The first five days after the weekend are the hardest.
  2. The only thing better than a long weekend is a short work week.
  3. Today is Saturday, which means I will be multi-slacking instead of multi-tasking.
  4. Better days are coming. They’re called Saturday and Sunday.
  5. A Sunday well spent brings a week of content.
  6. The first five days after the weekend are the hardest
  7. Nothing ruins your Friday like realizing its only Tuesday.
  8. Friday called. She’s on her way and she’s bringing wine.
  9. I am just a girl, standing in front of Monday, asking it to be Friday.
  10. Do you find that people only ask how your weekend was, when they had a really great one that they want to tell you about?

Home Instagram Captions
  1. Home is where the sweatpants are
  2. Both of us can’t look good at the same time. It’s me or the house.
  3. There’s no place like home.
  4. Home looks like this.
  5. When I’m with you, I’m home.
  6. May your home always be too small to hold all of your friends.
  7. The best journey takes you home.
  8. Chase your dreams but always know the road that will lead you home again.

Valentine’s Day Instagram Captions
  1. The real holiday is February 15thwhen Valentines chocolate is 70 percent off.
  2. You’ve slipped under my skin, invaded my blood and seized my heart.
  3. Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!
  4. I’m not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together.
  5. Do I know you? ‘Cause you look a lot like my next girlfriend/boyfriend.
  6. Did It Hurt When You Feel from Heaven?
  7. A hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
  8. For twas not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart.
  9. What inspired this amorous rhyme? Two parts vodka, one part lime …
  10. Since love grows within you, so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.

Spring Instagram Captions
  1. Sing for Spring!
  2. Feels like Spring
  3. Blossom by blossom the spring begins.
  4. No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow.
  5. Alright Spring, do your thing.
  6. Live Life in Full Bloom
  7. I’m a late bloomer.
  8. Spring: Life’s Gentle Warning That Bathing Suit Season is Coming.
  9. It’s Spring: Open the Windows and Pretend To Clean.
  10. Live Life Like Spring – Always Finding a Way to Bloom.

spring quotes

Easter Instagram Captions
  1. Hope your Easter is Egg-cellent
  2. Hoppy Easter!
  3. Somebunny Loves You
  4. Hanging with my peeps
  5. Easter weekend’s a time when we feast, on a turkey that’s freshly deceased.
  6. Love is the lesson which the Lord us taught.
  7. The Easter Bunny ate all of the carrots we left for him. What a pig.
  8. Today I had 3 eggs… but they were Cadbury chocolate eggs.
  9. Good Idea: Finding Easter eggs on Easter. Bad Idea: Finding Easter eggs on Christmas.
  10. The great gift of Easter is hope.

Fall Instagram Captions
  1. Fall is proof that change is beautiful.
  2. Life starts all over again when it get crisp in the fall.
  3. Autumn carries more gold in its pockets than all the other seasons. (Jim Bishop).
  4. You’re never too old to just into a pile of leaves.
  5. The only thing lit this weekend is my pumpkin scented candle.
  6. Sweater weather is better weather.
  7. Fall is the time of year between tired & sweaty and tired & frozen.
  8. Autumn leaves and pumpkins please.
  9. There are no days so delightful as those of a fine October.” — Alexander Smith
  10. Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower.” — Albert Camus

Halloween Instagram Captions
  1. I’m just here for the boos.
  2. Who needs Halloween makeup when you already have dark circles.
  3. Ghouls just wanna have fun.
  4. Hocus pocus, I need coffee to focus.
  5. If you got it, haunt it.
  6. Hello gourd-geous.
  7. All of the dust and cob webs in my house just became decorations. Thanks Halloween!
  8. Eat Drink and Be Scary.
  9. Have a boo-tiful day.
  10. I’m too old for this sheet.

Thanksgiving Instagram Captions
  1. May your turkey be moist and may no one use that word to describe it.
  2. Holiday Calories Don’t Count
  3. I’m more stuffed than the turkey.
  4. Get Your Fat Pants Ready!
  5. Pour Some Gravy on Me.
  6. Football Turkey Nap Repeat
  7. I’m in Feast Mode.
  8. Leftovers are for Quitters.
  9. If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough.
  10. Acknowledging the good that you already have in your life is the foundation for all abundance.

Christmas Captions for Instagram
  1. Gonna Go Lay Under the Tree to Remind My Family I am a Gift
  2. It’s Beginning to Cost a Lot Like Christmas
  3. Here Comes Amazon, Here Comes Amazon Right Down My Driveway
  4. All I want for Christmas is You. Just Kidding, I want a three month vacation.
  5. Number of Hallmark movies watched. 23. Number of presents bought. 0.
  6. I’m only a morning person on December 25th.
  7. Alexa take down the Christmas decorations.
  8. Time to sit in front of a dead tree and eat candy out of socks.
  9. All mama wants is a silent night.
  10. Single and ready to jingle.

New Year’s Captions for Instagram
  1. 2022 Let’s Do This!
  2. Now we welcome the new year, full of things that have never been.
  3. No fears, just cheers!
  4. Always believe the best is yet to come.
  5. Take 2021 out of the oven because it’s done.
  6. I can’t believe it’s been a whole year since I didn’t become a better person.  
  7. New Year, New Lease on Life
  8. Brush away old heartaches. Learn from our mistakes. Another year is finally over. A new dawn awakes.
  9. Ring out the old, ring in the new. Ring out the false, ring in the true.
  10. The New Year I hope will be good to us all. Care and calm, a helping hand when we fall.

Love this Instagram quote from below.

instagram photo captions for inspiration

Parenting Captions
  1. I looked up my symptoms online and it turns out I just have kids.
  2. Brunch is breakfast for people who don’t have kids.
  3. Eat Sleep Get Kids to Sports Repeat
  4. I don’t negotiate with toddlers.
  5. Just another Manic Mom-day.
  6. My kid is turning out just like me. Well played, karma. Well-played.
  7. 90% of parenting is just thinking about when you can lie down again.
  8. Parenthood is the scariest hood you will ever go through
  9. Cherish the day you buy your minivan because that will be the last day it is ever clean.
  10. They say it takes a village. Where can I get directions to this village?


Adulting Instagram Captions
  1. So, it turns out being an adult is mostly just Googling how to do stuff.
  2. Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet. Nobody really knows how to do it.
  3. You know you’re old when you go to bed at the same time you use to go out.
  4. My favourite childhood memory is not paying bills.
  5. One day you’re young and the next day you have a favorite grocery store.
  6. That horrifying moment where you’re looking for an adult, and you realize that you’re an adult.
  7. Being alive is very expensive.
  8. I finally got 8 hours of sleep. It just took me 4 days.
  9. My life feels like a test I didn’t study for.
  10. To relieve stress I do yoga. Just kidding, I drink wine wearing my yoga pants.

The best Instagram captions are really all about being clever, witty or interesting. You can use one of the best Instagram captions selfie quotes here or alter it slightly to create your own, but the best captions on Instagram are all about trying to get your audience’s attention. Be sure to read what Instagram has to say about creating captions.

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©2022 Gail Oliver. All Rights Reserved. Best Instagram captions selfie quotes.

How to Use Your Shop Sections to Boost Sales

how to use shop sections to boost salesWant to know how to use your shop sections to boost sales?

I was advising a client the other day on the “sections” in their online shop. Sections are where you categorize your products so that customers can easily find what they are looking for in your shop.

The client had a lot of “unicorn” theme products, which is very hot right now on Etsy. They were selling so well for them that I recommended that maybe they just break these products into their own section, “🦄Everything Unicorn”. This way if this is what the customer is interested in, they can see all the products available at once and maybe they will end up buying more than one item.

So, this got me to thinking of some of my other advice when it comes to using shop sections to boost sales.

Shop Sections for Top Sellers

People tend to like to buy products that they know other people have bought as it lessens the risk. Therefore, you could make it easy for customers and have sections such as:

  • Best Sellers
  • Top Sellers
  • Customer Favorites
  • Top Rated
  • It List
  • Back in Stock
Shop Sections for Sales and Promotions

If certain items in the shop are on sale, discounted, lower priced and so forth, peak their interest with shop sections such as:

  • On Sale
  • Clearance
  • Overstock
  • Closeout
  • Outlet
  • Exclusive Savings
  • Last Chance
  • Going Fast
  • Almost Gone
  • Limited Time Offer
  • Today’s Deals
  • New Markdowns
  • Up to 70% OFF 
  • Under $50
Shop Sections for New Products

If your regular customers just want to see what’s new, you could do shop sections such as

  • What’s New
  • New Arrivals
  • Just In
  • New Collection
  • 2019 Collection
  • Hot Trends
Shop Sections for Types of Products

Maybe you have distinct product offerings (like the unicorn example I gave above) that would do better to be broken out on their own, such as:

  • Ready to Ship
  • Organic Collection
  • Mix and Match
  • Choose Your Design
  • Personalized Gifts
  • Limited Edition
  • Print Sets
Shop Sections for Holiday & Seasonal

Holidays, occasions, and special events are always great as shop sections (although just temporarily) such as:

  • 💗 Valentines Specials
  • 🐰 Easter Decor
  • 🍁 Fall Favorites
  • ☃️ Winter Shop
  • 🎁 Mothers Day Gift Guide

I love brainstorming new product ideas with clients, coming up with innovative ways to market and promote your shop as well as uncover the reasons why your sales might be slow – so book a Phone Consultation and visit my Etsy shop.

Also read: How to Sell on Etsy

© 2019 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. How to Use Shop Sections to Boost Sales

Post Christmas Sales Opportunities

by Gail Oliver

Christmas sales will be winding down in the next week or two, so is your shop prepared for the January lull? If you sell wedding products, you’ll be fine since 80% of all engagements occur over the Christmas holidays (searches for wedding invitations hit a high the week of January 20th). But if you sell jewelry, clothing, home decor, pet products, kids products, what opportunities are there for you in January and February?

January is always all about New Year’s Resolutions – getting organized, getting in shape, quitting smoking, starting a new career – so planners and calendars will be selling big in December and January, as well as fitness journals, fitness clothing, yoga products, organizational products and so forth. These types of searches reach a high around January 6th.

Another big gift buying occasion is obviously Valentine’s Day, which is just two months away but searches only really get going in mid January and go right up until the day before with buyers looking for last-minute gifts. The current rising Google searches have been for:

    • Small Valentine’s Gifts
    • Edible Valentine’s Gifts
    • Inexpensive Valentines Gifts
    • First Valentines as Husband and Wife Gifts
    • Long Distance Valentines Gifts

And don’t forget about Valentine’s decor such as wreaths, signs, balloons and, of course, cards.

The Women’s March on Washington will be on January 18th and is now called #WomensWave, so buyers will be looking for female empowerment hats, shirts, pins, baby onesies, mugs and more.

January 25th is the Chinese New Year, and it is the year of the rat, so rat themed products will peak on January25th and then interest dramatically falls off.

February 2nd is the Superbowl, so anything football and Superbowl party related will be ranking high in searches, including Superbowl banners, food, invitations, shirts and hats.

There is also Winter Vacation Travel, whether it is to a beach (bikinis, maxi dresses, sandals, beach bags, cover ups, hats) or to a ski destination (ski sweaters, ski masks, ski gloves, ski socks, ski boot bags) as well as vacation planners, cruise lanyards, passport holders, luggage and so forth will all be top searches. 

Last week Pantone announced their Color of the Year, which is Classic Blue. So you will see interest in products in this color mainly in late December and January, and then it wanes off.

marketing planner pdfGet ready for success in 2020 with my 2020 Small Business Marketing Planner out now. This 87-page printable download is packed with planning pages for analysis, strategy, organizing, implementation, tracking and more. Works for any time of small business!

© 2018-2019 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

4 Quick & Easy Etsy Tips

If you need a boost for your Etsy shop before the holiday buying rush starts next week, here are four of my quick and easy Etsy tips.

Gift Search Phrases

Not everyone just searches “Christmas Gift for”. There are other search phrases that are actually even more popular such as White Elephant Gifts, Secret Santa Gifts, 12 Days of Christmas Gifts, Stocking Stuffers, Advent Calendar Fillers, Hanukkah Gifts, Diwali Gifts, Thanksgiving Gifts, Christmas Gifts Under 10, Christmas Gifts Under 20 and so forth. So test these in Etsy Autocomplete and then use relevant ones in your titles and tags. 

Send Coupons for Free

Are you taking advantage of Etsy’s FREE offer to send a coupon code to anyone who puts your product in their cart and/or favorites it? If you were planning to do a Black Friday or Cyber Monday sale anyway, why not take advantage of this offer. Go into your Dashboard/Marketing/Sales and Coupons and you will see Targeted Campaigns at the top for both Abandoned Cart and Recently Favorited. 

Repeat Business

Always be selling, so in every package that you send out this holiday season (and all year long) be sure to include a flyer with a special offer for the customer to come back to your shop for Valentine’s Day gifts and/or an after Christmas sale (this is just one of the things that I recommend in my Etsy 30-Day Success Plan). Actually, any kind of insert that you can put into the package to get customers to remember your shop is always a good idea. Here is a post I wrote two years ago that might give you some ideas: Creative Ideas for Packaging Inserts.

Download Sales

Do you sell digital downloads? I do, so I am sure that quite often people contact you asking where the download is. Etsy actually has a very good description that you should put into your outgoing email to buyer, as well as at the end of the listing description. It will SAVE you tons of time answering this same question over and over again. I added a little more to it:

NOTE: If you’re purchasing a digital file that’s available for instant download, you can access the file via your account’s “Purchases and reviews” page, but you’ll also receive a separate email with a download link. If you purchased as a guest, you’ll find the link to download your items in the receipt that was emailed to you after purchase.The link will direct you to the order’s Downloads page. Also, check your spam folder as sometimes the emails will end up there.

On a fun note, back in August, I wrote a blog post about Christmas Product Ideas and Trends for 2018, and I mentioned an idea I had to create an Advent Calendar for dogs, and, guess what, Trader Joe’s came out with one this week:

This is why it is important to read my blog as you too might get a great idea (for free). 

For more inspiration be sure to check out my post, What National Day is Today: The Trend of National Days.

Is Your Business Struggling? I offer very affordable Phone Consultations.

Also Read:

© 2018 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved.

A Black Friday Marketing Strategy for Your Business

Need a more effective Black Friday Marketing Strategy? Are you personally holding off holiday purchases for Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales? Honestly, the only way I would buy anything right now from an online retailer is if they were giving me an advance Black Friday / Cyber Monday sale of at least 60% off, and indicating that they will not be going this low on Black Friday. 

So, maybe you want to do the same thing. Why make your customers wait for Black Friday/Cyber Monday when you want those sales NOW, as well as get their spending dollars BEFORE they blow it all on Black Friday (and at someone else’s shop). 

Make the Offer Irresistible

Therefore, I would consider emailing your customers this week with a special Customer-Only “Advance” Black Friday / Cyber Monday Sale that is a ONE-DAY only offer, better than anything you will be offering on Black Friday/Cyber Monday, guaranteed. 

Again, the offer has to be amazing for people to go for it. On Black Friday customers are expecting offers of 40%, 50%, 60% off. Now, this might scare you, but hopefully you will make it up on volume if your profit margins are good. Otherwise, you have a couple of options:

  • Slightly raise your prices so that you can offer these types of deep discounts. 
  • Tie the offers to volume purchases only i.e. Buy any 3 Items and Get 40% Off, any 5 and get 60% Off”. 

The point is, you want the offer to be so irresistible that you will get those sales NOW, and not have to wait until Black Friday or Cyber Monday when customers might not have as much money left to spend at your store.

How to Write the Email

In your email subject line, be sure to use a mix of upper and lower case words along with some holiday emojis in order for it to get noticed, for example:


Use a holiday theme email template that your email service company can supply. Keep the copy short and the sale should be hard linked back to your shop.

If the sale goes well, extend it one more day and tell your customers that they can pass the offer along to their friends and family, to broaden your reach.

So don’t sit around waiting for the end of November, jump the gun on your competitors and get those sales NOW.

Want to Know Why Your Business Isn’t Selling?

I offer One-on-One Phone Consultations that will help solve the mystery.

©2018 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Black Friday Marketing Strategy

How to Quickly Add More Products in Your Online Store

Add More Products to Online StoreWant to quickly add more listings to your online store?

An easy way is to simply add listings that are SETS of products. Not perfectly matchy-matchy sets, but try coordinated sets. For example, I saw this art print set below being offered on Nordstrom where you get 5 different prints in 3 different sizes but all in the same color scheme (there are a few shops on Etsy doing this as well).

Every time I critique an Etsy shop I encourage the shop to include listings that are sets. Not only do you sell more products at one time to one customer, but customers are looking for the convenience of you doing the “decorating” for them because many buyers just do not know how to coordinate items together.

This same strategy can be applied to jewelry (sets of stud earrings are always in demand), fashion accessories, throw pillows, baby items, personalized gifts, wreaths, beauty products, greeting cards, seasonal (fall set) and holiday items (Halloween set). Again, the goal is to not just put matching items together but rather like-minded or coordinated items together.

Examples of Product Sets
  • If you sell trays, create a listing that is three trays in three different sizes because people have different uses for trays.
  • If you sell Apple watch bands, sell a set in 3 different colors so the customer can swap out and change up their look. 
  • If you sell baby onesies, sell a pack of seven labeled with each day of the week. Get creative!Add More Products to Online Store

There are also gift set listings and if you don’t have at least one gift set listing in your shop right now you are missing out on a big sales opportunity!

Top Searched Gift Sets
  1. Makeup Gift Sets
  2. Women Gift Sets / Men Gifts Sets (tied)
  3. Tea Gift Sets
  4. Wine Gift Sets
  5. Liquor / Christmas Gift Sets (tied)
  6. Coffee / Candle / Bath / Nail Polish Gift Sets (tied)
  7. Beauty Gift Sets
  8. Hot Chocolate Gift Sets
  9. Baby Boy / Skin Care Gift Sets (tied)
  10. Spices Gift Set

Again, offering sets is a great way to sell more at one time to one customer.

About Me

Do you need your Brand Story written or an SEO-Optimized Blog Post or a Personalized Business Consultation? As a 20+ year marketing professional and small business consultant, all of my services are super affordable.small business seo

I have consulted for thousands of small businesses since 2012, and my advice has been featured in the NY Times, Success Magazine, Yahoo Business, American Express, Big Commerce, Business2Community to name a few – so this is professional advice you can trust!

My Publicity Pitch service has also gotten my clients featured in Real Simple Magazine, Apartment Therapy, House Beautiful, Vanity Fair, Houzz, Martha Stewart, Glamour Magazine, LONNY, DesignMilk, Emmaline Bride,– just to name a few.

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© 2018 Gail Oliver. All rights reserved. Add More Products to Online Store

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